Neo4j MCP Clients & Serversofficialneo4j-contrib-securityFlicense-qualityThis lets you use Claude Desktop, or any MCP Client, to use natural language to accomplish things with Neo4j and your Aura account.74TypeScript
Open Data Model Context ProtocolOpenDataMCP-securityAlicense-qualityAccess to many public datasets right from your LLM application.80PythonMIT LicenseAppleLinux
mcp-knowledge-graphshanehollomanVerifiedAsecurityAlicenseAqualityAn improved implementation of persistent memory using a local knowledge graph with a customizable --memory-path. This lets Claude remember information about the user across chats.91874JavaScriptMIT License
mcp-server-data-explorationreading-plus-aiAsecurityAlicenseAqualityEnables autonomous data exploration on .csv-based datasets, providing intelligent insights with minimal effort.2102PythonMIT LicenseApple
llm-contextcyberchittaAsecurityAlicenseAqualityShare code context with LLMs via MCP or clipboard2117PythonApache 2.0