by mendableai
Scrape a single webpage with advanced options for content extraction. Supports various formats including markdown, HTML, and screenshots. Can execute custom actions like clicking or scrolling before scraping.
Input Schema
Name | Required | Description | Default |
actions | No | List of actions to perform before scraping | |
excludeTags | No | HTML tags to exclude from extraction | |
extract | No | Configuration for structured data extraction | |
formats | No | Content formats to extract (default: ['markdown']) | |
includeTags | No | HTML tags to specifically include in extraction | |
location | No | Location settings for scraping | |
mobile | No | Use mobile viewport | |
onlyMainContent | No | Extract only the main content, filtering out navigation, footers, etc. | |
removeBase64Images | No | Remove base64 encoded images from output | |
skipTlsVerification | No | Skip TLS certificate verification | |
timeout | No | Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the page to load | |
url | Yes | The URL to scrape | |
waitFor | No | Time in milliseconds to wait for dynamic content to load |