
FireCrawl MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation that integrates with FireCrawl for advanced web scraping capabilities.

<a href=""><img width="380" height="200" src="" alt="mcp-server-firecrawl MCP server" /></a>


  • Web scraping with JavaScript rendering
  • Batch scraping with parallel processing and queuing
  • URL discovery and crawling
  • Web search with content extraction
  • Automatic retries with exponential backoff
  • Credit usage monitoring for cloud API
  • Comprehensive logging system
  • Support for cloud and self-hosted FireCrawl instances
  • Mobile/Desktop viewport support
  • Smart content filtering with tag inclusion/exclusion


Installing via Smithery

To install FireCrawl for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install mcp-server-firecrawl --client claude

Manual Installation

npm install -g mcp-server-firecrawl


Environment Variables

  • FIRE_CRAWL_API_KEY: Your FireCrawl API key
    • Required when using cloud API (default)
    • Optional when using self-hosted instance with FIRE_CRAWL_API_URL
  • FIRE_CRAWL_API_URL (Optional): Custom API endpoint for self-hosted instances
    • Example:
    • If not provided, the cloud API will be used (requires API key)

Configuration Examples

For cloud API usage (default):

export FIRE_CRAWL_API_KEY=your-api-key

For self-hosted instance without authentication:


For self-hosted instance with authentication:

export FIRE_CRAWL_API_URL= export FIRE_CRAWL_API_KEY=your-api-key # Optional for authenticated self-hosted instances

Usage with Claude Desktop

Add this to your claude_desktop_config.json:

{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-server-firecrawl": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "mcp-server-firecrawl"], "env": { "FIRE_CRAWL_API_KEY": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" } } } }

System Configuration

The server includes several configurable parameters:

const CONFIG = { retry: { maxAttempts: 3, initialDelay: 1000, // 1 second maxDelay: 10000, // 10 seconds backoffFactor: 2, }, batch: { delayBetweenRequests: 2000, // 2 seconds maxParallelOperations: 3, }, credit: { warningThreshold: 1000, criticalThreshold: 100, }, };

Rate Limits

The server implements rate limiting to prevent API abuse:

  • 3 requests per minute on free tier
  • Automatic retries with exponential backoff
  • Parallel processing for batch operations
  • Higher limits available on paid plans

Available Tools

1. Scrape Tool (fire_crawl_scrape)

Scrape content from a single URL with advanced options.

{ "name": "fire_crawl_scrape", "arguments": { "url": "", "formats": ["markdown"], "onlyMainContent": true, "waitFor": 1000, "timeout": 30000, "mobile": false, "includeTags": ["article", "main"], "excludeTags": ["nav", "footer"], "skipTlsVerification": false } }

2. Batch Scrape Tool (fire_crawl_batch_scrape)

Scrape multiple URLs with parallel processing and queuing.

{ "name": "fire_crawl_batch_scrape", "arguments": { "urls": ["", ""], "options": { "formats": ["markdown"], "onlyMainContent": true } } }

Response includes operation ID for status checking:

{ "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": "Batch operation queued with ID: batch_1. Use fire_crawl_check_batch_status to check progress." } ], "isError": false }

3. Check Batch Status (fire_crawl_check_batch_status)

Check the status of a batch operation.

{ "name": "fire_crawl_check_batch_status", "arguments": { "id": "batch_1" } }

Search the web and optionally extract content from search results.

{ "name": "fire_crawl_search", "arguments": { "query": "your search query", "limit": 5, "lang": "en", "country": "us", "scrapeOptions": { "formats": ["markdown"], "onlyMainContent": true } } }

5. Crawl Tool (fire_crawl_crawl)

Start an asynchronous crawl with advanced options.

{ "name": "fire_crawl_crawl", "arguments": { "url": "", "maxDepth": 2, "limit": 100, "allowExternalLinks": false, "deduplicateSimilarURLs": true } }

6. Extract Tool (fire_crawl_extract)

Extract structured information from web pages using LLM capabilities. Supports both cloud AI and self-hosted LLM extraction.

{ "name": "fire_crawl_extract", "arguments": { "urls": ["", ""], "prompt": "Extract product information including name, price, and description", "systemPrompt": "You are a helpful assistant that extracts product information", "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string" }, "price": { "type": "number" }, "description": { "type": "string" } }, "required": ["name", "price"] }, "allowExternalLinks": false, "enableWebSearch": false, "includeSubdomains": false } }

Example response:

{ "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": { "name": "Example Product", "price": 99.99, "description": "This is an example product description" } } ], "isError": false }

Extract Tool Options:

  • urls: Array of URLs to extract information from
  • prompt: Custom prompt for the LLM extraction
  • systemPrompt: System prompt to guide the LLM
  • schema: JSON schema for structured data extraction
  • allowExternalLinks: Allow extraction from external links
  • enableWebSearch: Enable web search for additional context
  • includeSubdomains: Include subdomains in extraction

When using a self-hosted instance, the extraction will use your configured LLM. For cloud API, it uses FireCrawl's managed LLM service.

Logging System

The server includes comprehensive logging:

  • Operation status and progress
  • Performance metrics
  • Credit usage monitoring
  • Rate limit tracking
  • Error conditions

Example log messages:

[INFO] FireCrawl MCP Server initialized successfully [INFO] Starting scrape for URL: [INFO] Batch operation queued with ID: batch_1 [WARNING] Credit usage has reached warning threshold [ERROR] Rate limit exceeded, retrying in 2s...

Error Handling

The server provides robust error handling:

  • Automatic retries for transient errors
  • Rate limit handling with backoff
  • Detailed error messages
  • Credit usage warnings
  • Network resilience

Example error response:

{ "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": "Error: Rate limit exceeded. Retrying in 2 seconds..." } ], "isError": true }


# Install dependencies npm install # Build npm run build # Run tests npm test


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch
  3. Run tests: npm test
  4. Submit a pull request


MIT License - see LICENSE file for details