Everything Search MCP Server

  • src
import axios from 'axios'; // Configure axios defaults axios.defaults.baseURL = ''; // Utility function to delay execution const delay = (ms) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); // Utility function to convert Windows FILETIME to JavaScript Date const fileTimeToDate = (fileTime) => { // FILETIME is a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 UTC const bigIntTime = BigInt(fileTime); const windowsEpochDiff = BigInt('116444736000000000'); // Difference between Windows and Unix epoch in 100ns intervals const unixTimestampNs = (bigIntTime - windowsEpochDiff) / BigInt(10000); // Convert to milliseconds return new Date(Number(unixTimestampNs)); }; // Test 1: Basic connection test async function testConnection() { try { const response = await axios.get('/', { params: { search: 'test', json: 1 } }); console.log('Connection test passed:', response.data?.totalResults !== undefined ? `Got ${response.data.totalResults} results` : 'No data'); return true; } catch (error) { console.error('Connection test failed:', error.message); return false; } } // Test 2: Test search parameters async function testSearchParameters() { try { // Test case sensitivity const caseResponse = await axios.get('/', { params: { search: 'TEST', json: 1, case: 1 } }); console.log('Case sensitive search test:', caseResponse.data?.totalResults !== undefined ? `Got ${caseResponse.data.totalResults} results` : 'No results'); await delay(500); // Delay between requests // Test whole word matching const wholeWordResponse = await axios.get('/', { params: { search: 'test', json: 1, wholeword: 1 } }); console.log('Whole word search test:', wholeWordResponse.data?.totalResults !== undefined ? `Got ${wholeWordResponse.data.totalResults} results` : 'No results'); await delay(500); // Delay between requests // Test regex search const regexResponse = await axios.get('/', { params: { search: 'test.*\\.txt', json: 1, regex: 1 } }); console.log('Regex search test:', regexResponse.data?.totalResults !== undefined ? `Got ${regexResponse.data.totalResults} results` : 'No results'); await delay(500); // Delay between requests // Test path search const pathResponse = await axios.get('/', { params: { search: 'Documents', json: 1, path: 1 } }); console.log('Path search test:', pathResponse.data?.totalResults !== undefined ? `Got ${pathResponse.data.totalResults} results` : 'No results'); return true; } catch (error) { console.error('Search with scope test failed:', error.message); return false; } } // Test 3: Test sorting functionality async function testSorting() { try { // Test sorting by different fields const sortFields = ['name', 'path', 'size', 'date_modified']; for (const field of sortFields) { const ascResponse = await axios.get('/', { params: { search: 'test', json: 1, sort: field, ascending: 1, path_column: 1, size_column: 1, date_modified_column: 1 } }); console.log(`Sorting by ${field} (ascending) test:`, ascResponse.data?.totalResults !== undefined ? `Got ${ascResponse.data.totalResults} results` : 'No results'); await delay(500); // Increased delay between requests to prevent rate limiting const descResponse = await axios.get('/', { params: { search: 'test', json: 1, sort: field, ascending: 0, path_column: 1, size_column: 1, date_modified_column: 1 } }); console.log(`Sorting by ${field} (descending) test:`, descResponse.data?.totalResults !== undefined ? `Got ${descResponse.data.totalResults} results` : 'No results'); await delay(500); // Increased delay between requests to prevent rate limiting } return true; } catch (error) { console.error('Sorting test failed:', error.message); return false; } } // Test 4: Test error handling async function testErrorHandling() { try { // Test invalid port to simulate ECONNREFUSED await axios.get(''); } catch (error) { if (error.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') { console.log('ECONNREFUSED error handling test passed'); } } try { // Test multiple invalid parameters await axios.get('/', { params: { search: 'test', json: 1, sort: 'invalid_field', case: 'invalid', count: 'not_a_number' } }); console.log('Warning: Server accepted invalid parameters without error'); } catch (error) { if (error.response?.status === 400) { console.log('Invalid parameter error handling test passed (400 Bad Request)'); } else { console.log('Warning: Server returned', error.response?.status || 'unknown status', 'for invalid parameters'); } } return true; } // Test 5: Test result formatting async function testResultFormatting() { try { const response = await axios.get('/', { params: { search: 'test', json: 1, path_column: 1, size_column: 1, date_modified_column: 1, count: 5 } }); if (response.data?.results) { // Log the first result to understand the data structure console.log('Sample result structure:', JSON.stringify(response.data.results[0], null, 2)); const formattedResults = response.data.results.map(result => { const size = result.size ? `${(parseInt(result.size) / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(2)} MB` : 'N/A'; const date = result.date_modified ? (result.date_modified === '0' ? 'No date' : fileTimeToDate(result.date_modified).toLocaleString()) : 'N/A'; return `Name: ${result.name}\nPath: ${result.path}\nSize: ${size}\nModified: ${date}\n`; }).join('\n'); console.log(`Total results: ${response.data.totalResults}`); console.log('Result formatting test passed. Sample output:\n', formattedResults); return true; } console.log('Result formatting test passed but no results found'); return true; } catch (error) { console.error('Result formatting test failed:', error.message); return false; } } // Run all tests async function runTests() { console.log('Starting tests...\n'); console.log('Test 1: Basic Connection'); await testConnection(); console.log('\n'); console.log('Test 2: Search Parameters'); await testSearchParameters(); console.log('\n'); console.log('Test 3: Sorting Functionality'); await testSorting(); console.log('\n'); console.log('Test 4: Error Handling'); await testErrorHandling(); console.log('\n'); console.log('Test 5: Result Formatting'); await testResultFormatting(); console.log('\n'); console.log('Tests completed'); } // Add request/response interceptors for debugging axios.interceptors.request.use(request => { console.log('Request:', { method: request.method, url: request.url, params: request.params }); return request; }); axios.interceptors.response.use( response => { console.log('Response:', { status: response.status, totalResults: response.data?.totalResults, data: response.data ? 'Data received' : 'No data' }); return response; }, error => { console.log('Error:', { message: error.message, code: error.code, status: error.response?.status, response: error.response?.data }); throw error; } ); runTests().catch(console.error);