Tinybird MCP server

Apache 2.0
  • Apple
  • mcp-server-analytics
# MCP analytics template for Tinybird This template includes the necessary code to implement remote MCP Server Analytics using Tinybird. [Watch a video demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MlFALTsUqY) to learn how it works. ## Quick start Follow these steps to get started. ### Create a new Tinybird Workspace Click the button to deploy the project to your Tinybird Workspace. You'll be prompted to create a free Tinybird account if you don't yet have one. [![Deploy to Tinybird](https://cdn.tinybird.co/static/images/Tinybird-Deploy-Button.svg)](https://app.tinybird.co?starter_kit=https://github.com/tinybirdco/mcp-tinybird/mcp-server-analytics/tinybird) Deploying the project automatically creates: 1. Data Sources to store the log events 2. SQL Pipes to build metrics 3. Published API endpoints in Prometheus format ### Send log events #### Using Python Add the following dependency to your `requirements.txt` file: ``` tinybird-python-sdk>=0.1.6 ``` Configure the logging handler: ```python import logging from multiprocessing import Queue from tb.logger import TinybirdLoggingQueueHandler from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() TB_API_URL = os.getenv("TB_API_URL") TB_WRITE_TOKEN = os.getenv("TB_WRITE_TOKEN") logger = logging.getLogger('your-logger-name') handler = TinybirdLoggingQueueHandler(Queue(-1), TB_API_URL, TB_WRITE_TOKEN, 'your-app-name', ds_name="mcp_logs_python") formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) ``` - Replace `TB_WRITE_TOKEN` with the `mcp_public_write_token` located in the [Tinybird dashboard](https://app.tinybird.co/tokens). - Your `TB_API_URL` is the URL of your Tinybird region. See [Regions and endpoints](https://www.tinybird.co/docs/api-reference#regions-and-endpoints). To properly process your log events, add an extra dictionary with the `tool`, `resource`, `prompt`, `mcp_server_version` and `session` keys when it applies. That way the provided Tinybird Workspace will be able to process metrics by tool, resource, prompt and session. ```python logger.info(f"handle_call_tool {name}", extra={"session": session, "tool": name, "mcp_server_version": "0.1.4"}) ``` See some sample logger calls [here](https://github.com/tinybirdco/mcp-tinybird/blob/main/src/mcp_tinybird/server.py) #### Using TypeScript ```js const loggingToken = "<TB_WRITE_TOKEN>"; const loggingEndpoint = "<TB_API_URL>/v0/events?name=mcp_logs"; const loggingSession = crypto.randomUUID(); async function logger(level: string, record: object) { try { await fetch( loggingEndpoint, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), session: loggingSession, level: level, record: JSON.stringify(record) }), headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${loggingToken}` } } ) .then((res: Response) => { /**process.stderr.write("logged");**/ }); } catch (error) { // process.stderr.write("error logging"); } ``` - Replace `TB_WRITE_TOKEN` with the `mcp_public_write_token` located in the [Tinybird dashboard](https://app.tinybird.co/tokens). - Your `TB_API_URL` is the URL of your Tinybird region. See [Regions and endpoints](https://www.tinybird.co/docs/api-reference#regions-and-endpoints). To properly process your log events, add the following keys to the `record` JSON object: ```js record = { "appName": "mcp-tinybird", "funcName": "handle_call_tool", "tool": "run-select-query", "prompt": "", "resource": "", "level": "info", "version": "0.1.4", "message": "this is a message" } ``` See some sample logger calls [here](See [ClaudeKeep](https://github.com/sdairs/claudekeep/blob/main/apps/mcp/src/index.ts) ### Monitor with Grafana and Prometheus Add this to your `prometheus.yml` file: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: mcp_server scrape_interval: 15s # Adjust the scrape interval as needed scheme: 'https' static_configs: - targets: - 'api.tinybird.co' # Adjust this for your region if necessary metrics_path: '/v0/pipes/api_prometheus.prometheus' bearer_token: '<your-public-prometheus-token>' ``` Find `<your-public-prometheus-token>` in the [Tinybird dashboard](https://app.tinybird.co/tokens) with the name `prometheus`. You should start seeing your metrics in Grafana to build your own dashboards and alerts. ![](./prometheus.png) You can find a sample dashboard for Grafana can be found [here](./mcp-server-metrics-with-logs-v1.json). Click the image to watch a video on how to import the Dashboard into Grafana: [![Import Grafana Dashboard](./dashboard.png)](https://youtu.be/lOz5opvM24Q) ## Components The project uses Python and Typescript logging handlers to send events to the Tinybird [Events API](https://www.tinybird.co/docs/ingest/events-api) transforms the events and publishes metrics as Prometheus endpoints that you can integrate with your preferred observability tool.