Python MCP Server

import ast import os import re import importlib.util from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Set, Any, Optional, Tuple class CodeGrapher: """ Extract and navigate Python code structure across files. This class parses Python code, follows imports and references, and extracts structured code snippets up to a token limit. Attributes: token_limit (int): Maximum number of tokens to include in output. visited_files (Set[str]): Set of file paths that have been processed. referenced_objects (List[Dict[str, Any]]): List of objects referenced in the code. """ def __init__(self, token_limit: int = 8000) -> None: """ Initialize the CodeGrapher. Args: token_limit: Maximum number of tokens to include in output. """ self.token_limit: int = token_limit self.visited_files: Set[str] = set() self.referenced_objects: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] def extract_code( self, target_file: str, target_object: Optional[str] = None, token_limit: Optional[int] = None, project_root: Optional[str] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Extract code from a file, optionally focusing on a specific object. This method parses the target file, extracts the specified object (or the entire file if no object is specified), and follows imports to build a comprehensive code representation up to the token limit. Args: target_file: Path to the Python file to analyze. target_object: Name of specific class or function to extract. If None, extracts the entire file. token_limit: Override the default token limit. If None, uses the limit specified during initialization. project_root: The root directory of the project. Used to determine if a file is within the project or an external library. Returns: A dictionary containing: - 'main_object': Information about the primary extracted object - 'referenced_objects': List of objects referenced by the main object - 'token_count': Total number of tokens in the extracted code - 'token_limit': The token limit used for extraction - 'error': Error message if extraction failed (only present on error) """ # Reset state for new extraction self.visited_files = set() self.referenced_objects = [] # Update token limit if specified if token_limit is not None: self.token_limit = token_limit # Convert to absolute path target_file = os.path.abspath(target_file) # Set project_root if not provided if project_root is None: project_root = os.path.dirname(target_file) project_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(project_root)) # Parse the target file ast_tree, source_code = self._parse_file(target_file) if not ast_tree: return {"error": f"Failed to parse file: {target_file}"} # Extract the main object or whole file main_object = None if target_object: main_object = self._extract_object(ast_tree, source_code, target_object, target_file) if not main_object: return {"error": f"Object '{target_object}' not found in {target_file}"} else: # Extract the entire module as main object module_code = source_code main_object = { "name": os.path.basename(target_file).replace(".py", ""), "file": target_file, "type": "module", "code": module_code, "docstring": ast.get_docstring(ast_tree) or "" } # Mark the target file as visited self.visited_files.add(target_file) # Resolve and follow imports, but only within the project self._resolve_imports(ast_tree, target_file) # Filter out referenced objects from external libraries self.referenced_objects = [ obj for obj in self.referenced_objects if not self._is_external_library(obj["file"]) and os.path.abspath(obj["file"]).startswith(project_root) ] # Count tokens main_token_count = self._count_tokens(main_object["code"]) # Create result structure result = { "main_object": main_object, "referenced_objects": self.referenced_objects.copy(), "token_count": main_token_count + sum(self._count_tokens(obj["code"]) for obj in self.referenced_objects), "token_limit": self.token_limit } # Prioritize and trim code if needed if result["token_count"] > self.token_limit: result = self._prioritize_code(result) return result def _parse_file(self, filepath: str) -> Tuple[Optional[ast.Module], Optional[str]]: """ Parse a Python file into an AST. Reads the file content and parses it into an Abstract Syntax Tree for analysis. Args: filepath: Path to the Python file. Returns: A tuple containing: - The AST tree of the parsed file (or None if parsing failed) - The source code of the file (or None if parsing failed) """ try: with open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: source_code = return ast.parse(source_code), source_code except Exception as e: print(f"Error parsing {filepath}: {e}") return None, None def _extract_object( self, ast_tree: ast.Module, source_code: str, object_name: str, file_path: str ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Extract a specific class or function from the AST. Traverses the AST to find the specified object and extracts its code, type, and docstring. Args: ast_tree: The AST of the module. source_code: Source code of the file. object_name: Name of the object to extract. file_path: Path to the file containing the object. Returns: A dictionary containing information about the extracted object with fields: - 'name': The name of the object - 'file': Path to the file containing the object - 'type': Type of the object ('class' or 'function') - 'code': The complete code of the object - 'docstring': The docstring of the object (or empty string) Returns None if the object is not found. """ for node in ast.walk(ast_tree): if (isinstance(node, (ast.ClassDef, ast.FunctionDef)) and == object_name): # Get the code lines for this node if hasattr(node, 'lineno') and hasattr(node, 'end_lineno'): # Get line numbers (accounting for different Python versions) start_line = node.lineno # In some Python versions, end_lineno might not be available end_line: Optional[int] = getattr(node, 'end_lineno', None) if end_line is None: # If end_lineno is not available, estimate by counting lines in the source lines = source_code.splitlines() depth = 0 in_object = False end_line = start_line for i, line in enumerate(lines[start_line-1:], start=start_line): if not in_object and (line.strip().startswith(f"def {object_name}") or line.strip().startswith(f"class {object_name}")): in_object = True if in_object: # Count indentation to track when we exit the block stripped = line.lstrip() indent = len(line) - len(stripped) if stripped and indent == 0 and i > start_line: end_line = i - 1 break end_line = i # Extract the code lines = source_code.splitlines() code_lines = lines[start_line-1:end_line] code = "\n".join(code_lines) # Determine the type obj_type = "class" if isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef) else "function" return { "name":, "file": file_path, "type": obj_type, "code": code, "docstring": ast.get_docstring(node) or "" } return None def _resolve_imports(self, ast_tree: ast.Module, file_path: str, import_depth: int = 0) -> None: """ Resolve imports in the AST and follow references. Analyzes import statements in the code and processes the imported modules and objects to build a graph of code references. Args: ast_tree: The AST of the module. file_path: Path to the file containing the AST. import_depth: Current depth in the import resolution chain. """ # Guard against excessive recursion max_import_depth = 10 # Set a reasonable limit for import depth if import_depth > max_import_depth: print(f"WARNING: Maximum import depth reached ({max_import_depth}) when processing {file_path}. Stopping import resolution.") return file_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path) print(f"DEBUG: Resolving imports in file: {file_path} (depth: {import_depth})") # Get the project root directory (assuming it's a parent of file_path) project_root = file_dir while project_root and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(project_root, '.git')): parent = os.path.dirname(project_root) if parent == project_root: # Reached root directory project_root = file_dir # Fallback to file directory break project_root = parent print(f"DEBUG: Using project root: {project_root}") # Track import statements for node in ast.walk(ast_tree): # Handle 'import module' statements if isinstance(node, ast.Import): for name in node.names: module_name = self._process_imported_module(module_name, file_dir, import_depth + 1) # Try to find the module in the project directory self._try_find_project_module(module_name, project_root, file_dir) # Handle 'from module import name' statements elif isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom): if node.module: # Skip relative imports without module module_name = node.module for name in node.names: imported_name = self._process_imported_object(module_name, imported_name, file_dir, import_depth + 1) # Try to find the module in the project directory self._try_find_project_module(module_name, project_root, file_dir) def _process_imported_module(self, module_name: str, file_dir: str, import_depth: int = 0) -> None: """ Process an imported module and extract its code. Attempts to locate the file for an imported module and extracts all classes and functions from it. Only processes files within the project directory. Args: module_name: Name of the imported module. file_dir: Directory of the file with the import. import_depth: Current depth in the import resolution chain. """ print(f"DEBUG: Processing imported module: {module_name} from {file_dir} (depth: {import_depth})") # Try to find the module file try: # First try in the same directory local_module_path = os.path.join(file_dir, f"{module_name.split('.')[-1]}.py") print(f"DEBUG: Checking local path: {local_module_path}") if os.path.exists(local_module_path): module_path = local_module_path print(f"DEBUG: Found module in local path: {module_path}") else: # Try to resolve using Python's import system print(f"DEBUG: Trying to resolve using importlib: {module_name}") spec = importlib.util.find_spec(module_name) if spec and spec.origin and spec.origin.endswith('.py'): module_path = spec.origin print(f"DEBUG: Found module using importlib: {module_path}") else: # Skip if we can't find the module print(f"DEBUG: Could not find module: {module_name}") return # Skip if already visited - strict check to prevent recursion if module_path in self.visited_files: print(f"DEBUG: Module already visited: {module_path}") return # Skip system libraries and files outside the project if self._is_external_library(module_path): print(f"DEBUG: Skipping external library: {module_path}") return # Parse the module print(f"DEBUG: Parsing module: {module_path}") ast_tree, source_code = self._parse_file(module_path) if ast_tree and source_code: # Add the module file to visited self.visited_files.add(module_path) print(f"DEBUG: Added to visited files: {module_path}") # Extract each class and function from the module extracted_count = 0 for node in ast.walk(ast_tree): if isinstance(node, (ast.ClassDef, ast.FunctionDef)): obj = self._extract_object(ast_tree, source_code,, module_path) if obj: obj["reference_type"] = "import" self.referenced_objects.append(obj) extracted_count += 1 print(f"DEBUG: Extracted {extracted_count} objects from {module_path}") # Recursively resolve imports in this module print(f"DEBUG: Resolving imports in {module_path}") self._resolve_imports(ast_tree, module_path, import_depth) else: print(f"DEBUG: Failed to parse module: {module_path}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing import {module_name}: {e}") def _process_imported_object(self, module_name: str, object_name: str, file_dir: str, import_depth: int = 0) -> None: """ Process a specific imported object and extract its code. Locates and extracts a specific object (class or function) from an imported module. Only processes files within the project directory. Args: module_name: Name of the module containing the object. object_name: Name of the imported object. file_dir: Directory of the file with the import. import_depth: Current depth in the import resolution chain. """ print(f"DEBUG: Processing imported object: {module_name}.{object_name} from {file_dir}") # Similar to _process_imported_module but focusing on a specific object try: # First try in the same directory local_module_path = os.path.join(file_dir, f"{module_name.split('.')[-1]}.py") print(f"DEBUG: Checking local path: {local_module_path}") if os.path.exists(local_module_path): module_path = local_module_path print(f"DEBUG: Found module in local path: {module_path}") else: # Try to resolve using Python's import system print(f"DEBUG: Trying to resolve using importlib: {module_name}") spec = importlib.util.find_spec(module_name) if spec and spec.origin and spec.origin.endswith('.py'): module_path = spec.origin print(f"DEBUG: Found module using importlib: {module_path}") else: # Skip if we can't find the module print(f"DEBUG: Could not find module: {module_name}") return # Skip already processed objects for obj in self.referenced_objects: if obj["name"] == object_name and obj["file"] == module_path: print(f"DEBUG: Object already processed: {object_name} in {module_path}") return # Skip system libraries and files outside the project if self._is_external_library(module_path): print(f"DEBUG: Skipping external library: {module_path}") return # Parse the module print(f"DEBUG: Parsing module for object: {module_path}") ast_tree, source_code = self._parse_file(module_path) if ast_tree and source_code: # Add the module file to visited if not already if module_path not in self.visited_files: self.visited_files.add(module_path) print(f"DEBUG: Added to visited files: {module_path}") # Also process other imports in this module print(f"DEBUG: Resolving imports in {module_path}") self._resolve_imports(ast_tree, module_path, import_depth) # Extract the specific object print(f"DEBUG: Extracting object: {object_name} from {module_path}") obj = self._extract_object(ast_tree, source_code, object_name, module_path) if obj: obj["reference_type"] = "import" self.referenced_objects.append(obj) print(f"DEBUG: Successfully extracted object: {object_name} from {module_path}") else: print(f"DEBUG: Failed to extract object: {object_name} from {module_path}") else: print(f"DEBUG: Failed to parse module: {module_path}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing imported object {module_name}.{object_name}: {e}") def _count_tokens(self, code_string: str) -> int: """ Count tokens in a code string. Provides an approximate token count by splitting on whitespace and punctuation. This is a simple approximation - for more accurate token counting, consider using the 'tokenize' module or a dedicated tokenizer for the target model. Args: code_string: The code string to count tokens for. Returns: Approximate token count. """ # Simple approximation - split on whitespace and common punctuation # This is a rough estimate; a proper tokenizer would be more accurate token_pattern = r'[\s\(\)\[\]\{\}:;,\.\"\']+' tokens = re.split(token_pattern, code_string) return len([t for t in tokens if t]) # Count non-empty tokens def _prioritize_code(self, result_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Prioritize code to fit within the token limit. When the total extracted code exceeds the token limit, this method intelligently selects which parts to keep, prioritizing: 1. The main object (always kept) 2. Classes over functions 3. Shorter code over longer code For objects that can't be included in full, it preserves their signatures and docstrings while truncating the implementation. Args: result_dict: The result dictionary with code objects. Returns: Updated result dictionary with prioritized code. """ # Always include the main object main_object = result_dict["main_object"] main_tokens = self._count_tokens(main_object["code"]) # Sort referenced objects by importance # Prioritize classes over functions, shorter code over longer code def priority_key(obj: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[int, int]: # Lower score means higher priority type_score = 0 if obj["type"] == "class" else 1 size_score = self._count_tokens(obj["code"]) return (type_score, size_score) sorted_refs = sorted(result_dict["referenced_objects"], key=priority_key) # Keep adding references until we hit the token limit kept_refs: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] current_tokens = main_tokens for ref in sorted_refs: ref_tokens = self._count_tokens(ref["code"]) if current_tokens + ref_tokens <= self.token_limit: kept_refs.append(ref) current_tokens += ref_tokens else: # If the reference is too large, try to include just the signature # For classes, include class definition and docstring # For functions, include function signature and docstring if ref["type"] == "class": # Extract class definition line and docstring lines = ref["code"].splitlines() class_def = next((l for l in lines if l.strip().startswith("class ")), "") truncated_code = f"{class_def}\n \"\"\"" + ref["docstring"] + "\"\"\"\n # ... code truncated due to token limit" elif ref["type"] == "function": # Extract function signature and docstring lines = ref["code"].splitlines() func_def = next((l for l in lines if l.strip().startswith("def ")), "") truncated_code = f"{func_def}\n \"\"\"" + ref["docstring"] + "\"\"\"\n # ... code truncated due to token limit" else: truncated_code = f"# {ref['name']} (truncated due to token limit)" truncated_ref = ref.copy() truncated_ref["code"] = truncated_code truncated_ref["truncated"] = True truncated_tokens = self._count_tokens(truncated_code) if current_tokens + truncated_tokens <= self.token_limit: kept_refs.append(truncated_ref) current_tokens += truncated_tokens # Update the result result_dict["referenced_objects"] = kept_refs result_dict["token_count"] = current_tokens result_dict["truncated"] = len(kept_refs) < len(sorted_refs) return result_dict def _try_find_project_module(self, module_name: str, project_root: str, file_dir: str) -> None: """ Try to find a module within the project directory structure. This method attempts to locate a Python module within the project by searching for files with matching names, regardless of their location in the project hierarchy. Args: module_name: Name of the module to find. project_root: Root directory of the project. file_dir: Directory of the file with the import. """ print(f"DEBUG: Trying to find project module: {module_name} in {project_root}") # Extract the base module name (without submodules) base_module = module_name.split('.')[0] # Look for Python files with the module name for root, _, files in os.walk(project_root): # Skip external libraries and cache directories if self._is_external_library(root) or any(d in root for d in ['__pycache__', '.git']): continue for file in files: if file == f"{base_module}.py": module_path = os.path.join(root, file) # Skip if already visited if module_path in self.visited_files: print(f"DEBUG: Project module already visited: {module_path}") continue print(f"DEBUG: Found project module: {module_path}") # Parse the module ast_tree, source_code = self._parse_file(module_path) if ast_tree and source_code: # Add the module file to visited self.visited_files.add(module_path) print(f"DEBUG: Added project module to visited files: {module_path}") # Extract each class and function from the module extracted_count = 0 for node in ast.walk(ast_tree): if isinstance(node, (ast.ClassDef, ast.FunctionDef)): obj = self._extract_object(ast_tree, source_code,, module_path) if obj: obj["reference_type"] = "project_import" self.referenced_objects.append(obj) extracted_count += 1 print(f"DEBUG: Extracted {extracted_count} objects from project module: {module_path}") # Recursively resolve imports in this module self._resolve_imports(ast_tree, module_path) # We found the module, no need to continue searching return def _is_external_library(self, file_path: str) -> bool: """ Determines if a file path belongs to an external library or is outside the project. Args: file_path: The path to check Returns: True if the file is from an external library or outside the project, False otherwise """ # Normalize the path file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(file_path)) # Check for common external library indicators in the path external_indicators = { '/usr/lib/', '/usr/local/lib/', 'site-packages/', 'dist-packages/', '.venv/', 'venv/', 'env/', '/lib/python', '/Lib/python' } # Check if the path contains any of the external indicators for indicator in external_indicators: if indicator in file_path: return True return False def find_all_python_files(self, root_path: str) -> List[str]: """ Finds all Python files in the specified directory, strictly excluding: - External libraries (like system libraries or those in .venv) - Cache directories - Any files outside the project root Args: root_path: The root directory of the project Returns: List of absolute paths to Python files within the project """ python_files = [] # Convert root_path to absolute and normalized path root_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(root_path)) print(f"DEBUG: Finding Python files in project root: {root_path}") # Directories to exclude (common patterns for virtual environments, caches, etc.) excluded_dirs = { '__pycache__', 'venv', 'env', '.venv', '.env', 'site-packages', 'dist-packages', 'lib', 'Lib', 'node_modules', 'build', 'dist', '.git', '.github', '.pytest_cache', '.mypy_cache', '.tox', 'egg-info' } # Path segments that indicate external libraries excluded_path_segments = { 'site-packages', 'dist-packages', 'lib/python', 'Lib/python' } for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_path): # Filter out excluded directories original_dirs = set(dirs) dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in excluded_dirs and not d.startswith('.')] if len(original_dirs) != len(dirs): print(f"DEBUG: Excluded directories in {root}: {original_dirs - set(dirs)}") # Skip this directory if it contains excluded path segments if any(segment in root for segment in excluded_path_segments): print(f"DEBUG: Skipping directory with excluded path segment: {root}") continue # Ensure we're still within the project root (protects against symlinks) if not os.path.abspath(root).startswith(root_path): print(f"DEBUG: Skipping directory outside project root: {root}") continue for file in files: if file.endswith('.py'): file_path = os.path.join(root, file) # Final check to ensure the file is within the project if os.path.abspath(file_path).startswith(root_path): # Check if it's an external library if self._is_external_library(file_path): print(f"DEBUG: Skipping external library file: {file_path}") continue python_files.append(file_path) print(f"DEBUG: Found Python file: {file_path}") print(f"DEBUG: Found {len(python_files)} Python files in total") return python_files