ClickUp MCP Server

by v4lheru
# Contributing to ClickUp MCP Server Thank you for your interest in contributing to the ClickUp MCP Server project! This guide will help you get started with contributing. ## Code of Conduct By participating in this project, you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct. Please be respectful and constructive in all interactions. ## Getting Started 1. Fork the repository 2. Clone your fork locally 3. Install dependencies with `npm install` 4. Create a new branch for your feature/fix 5. Make your changes 6. Build the project with `npm run build` 7. Test your changes thoroughly 8. Commit your changes with clear, descriptive messages 9. Push to your fork 10. Submit a Pull Request ## Pull Request Process 1. Update the with details of changes if applicable 2. Update the version number following [Semantic Versioning]( 3. Ensure all tests pass and code meets quality standards 4. Your PR will be reviewed by maintainers 5. Once approved, your PR will be merged ## Coding Standards - Use TypeScript for all new code - Follow existing code style and formatting - Write clear, descriptive commit messages - Include comments for complex logic - Add appropriate error handling - Keep functions focused and modular - Write tests for new features ## Adding New Features 1. First open an issue describing the feature 2. Discuss implementation approach with maintainers 3. Follow the PR process above 4. Update documentation as needed ## Reporting Bugs - Use the GitHub issue tracker - Include detailed steps to reproduce - Provide system/environment details - Include relevant logs/screenshots - Label the issue appropriately ## Questions or Need Help? - Open a GitHub Discussion - Email the maintainer: ## License By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the MIT License.