
by leafeye
"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.ResourceTemplate = exports.McpServer = void 0; const index_js_1 = require("./index.js"); const zod_to_json_schema_1 = require("zod-to-json-schema"); const zod_1 = require("zod"); const types_js_1 = require("../types.js"); const completable_js_1 = require("./completable.js"); const uriTemplate_js_1 = require("../shared/uriTemplate.js"); /** * High-level MCP server that provides a simpler API for working with resources, tools, and prompts. * For advanced usage (like sending notifications or setting custom request handlers), use the underlying * Server instance available via the `server` property. */ class McpServer { constructor(serverInfo, options) { this._registeredResources = {}; this._registeredResourceTemplates = {}; this._registeredTools = {}; this._registeredPrompts = {}; this._toolHandlersInitialized = false; this._completionHandlerInitialized = false; this._resourceHandlersInitialized = false; this._promptHandlersInitialized = false; this.server = new index_js_1.Server(serverInfo, options); } /** * Attaches to the given transport, starts it, and starts listening for messages. * * The `server` object assumes ownership of the Transport, replacing any callbacks that have already been set, and expects that it is the only user of the Transport instance going forward. */ async connect(transport) { return await this.server.connect(transport); } /** * Closes the connection. */ async close() { await this.server.close(); } setToolRequestHandlers() { if (this._toolHandlersInitialized) { return; } this.server.assertCanSetRequestHandler(types_js_1.ListToolsRequestSchema.shape.method.value); this.server.assertCanSetRequestHandler(types_js_1.CallToolRequestSchema.shape.method.value); this.server.registerCapabilities({ tools: {}, }); this.server.setRequestHandler(types_js_1.ListToolsRequestSchema, () => ({ tools: Object.entries(this._registeredTools).map(([name, tool]) => { return { name, description: tool.description, inputSchema: tool.inputSchema ? (0, zod_to_json_schema_1.zodToJsonSchema)(tool.inputSchema) : EMPTY_OBJECT_JSON_SCHEMA, }; }), })); this.server.setRequestHandler(types_js_1.CallToolRequestSchema, async (request, extra) => { const tool = this._registeredTools[]; if (!tool) { throw new types_js_1.McpError(types_js_1.ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Tool ${} not found`); } if (tool.inputSchema) { const parseResult = await tool.inputSchema.safeParseAsync(request.params.arguments); if (!parseResult.success) { throw new types_js_1.McpError(types_js_1.ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Invalid arguments for tool ${}: ${parseResult.error.message}`); } const args =; const cb = tool.callback; try { return await Promise.resolve(cb(args, extra)); } catch (error) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error), }, ], isError: true, }; } } else { const cb = tool.callback; try { return await Promise.resolve(cb(extra)); } catch (error) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error), }, ], isError: true, }; } } }); this._toolHandlersInitialized = true; } setCompletionRequestHandler() { if (this._completionHandlerInitialized) { return; } this.server.assertCanSetRequestHandler(types_js_1.CompleteRequestSchema.shape.method.value); this.server.setRequestHandler(types_js_1.CompleteRequestSchema, async (request) => { switch (request.params.ref.type) { case "ref/prompt": return this.handlePromptCompletion(request, request.params.ref); case "ref/resource": return this.handleResourceCompletion(request, request.params.ref); default: throw new types_js_1.McpError(types_js_1.ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Invalid completion reference: ${request.params.ref}`); } }); this._completionHandlerInitialized = true; } async handlePromptCompletion(request, ref) { const prompt = this._registeredPrompts[]; if (!prompt) { throw new types_js_1.McpError(types_js_1.ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Prompt ${} not found`); } if (!prompt.argsSchema) { return EMPTY_COMPLETION_RESULT; } const field = prompt.argsSchema.shape[]; if (!(field instanceof completable_js_1.Completable)) { return EMPTY_COMPLETION_RESULT; } const def = field._def; const suggestions = await def.complete(request.params.argument.value); return createCompletionResult(suggestions); } async handleResourceCompletion(request, ref) { const template = Object.values(this._registeredResourceTemplates).find((t) => t.resourceTemplate.uriTemplate.toString() === ref.uri); if (!template) { if (this._registeredResources[ref.uri]) { // Attempting to autocomplete a fixed resource URI is not an error in the spec (but probably should be). return EMPTY_COMPLETION_RESULT; } throw new types_js_1.McpError(types_js_1.ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Resource template ${request.params.ref.uri} not found`); } const completer = template.resourceTemplate.completeCallback(; if (!completer) { return EMPTY_COMPLETION_RESULT; } const suggestions = await completer(request.params.argument.value); return createCompletionResult(suggestions); } setResourceRequestHandlers() { if (this._resourceHandlersInitialized) { return; } this.server.assertCanSetRequestHandler(types_js_1.ListResourcesRequestSchema.shape.method.value); this.server.assertCanSetRequestHandler(types_js_1.ListResourceTemplatesRequestSchema.shape.method.value); this.server.assertCanSetRequestHandler(types_js_1.ReadResourceRequestSchema.shape.method.value); this.server.registerCapabilities({ resources: {}, }); this.server.setRequestHandler(types_js_1.ListResourcesRequestSchema, async (request, extra) => { const resources = Object.entries(this._registeredResources).map(([uri, resource]) => ({ uri, name:, ...resource.metadata, })); const templateResources = []; for (const template of Object.values(this._registeredResourceTemplates)) { if (!template.resourceTemplate.listCallback) { continue; } const result = await template.resourceTemplate.listCallback(extra); for (const resource of result.resources) { templateResources.push({ ...resource, ...template.metadata, }); } } return { resources: [...resources, ...templateResources] }; }); this.server.setRequestHandler(types_js_1.ListResourceTemplatesRequestSchema, async () => { const resourceTemplates = Object.entries(this._registeredResourceTemplates).map(([name, template]) => ({ name, uriTemplate: template.resourceTemplate.uriTemplate.toString(), ...template.metadata, })); return { resourceTemplates }; }); this.server.setRequestHandler(types_js_1.ReadResourceRequestSchema, async (request, extra) => { const uri = new URL(request.params.uri); // First check for exact resource match const resource = this._registeredResources[uri.toString()]; if (resource) { return resource.readCallback(uri, extra); } // Then check templates for (const template of Object.values(this._registeredResourceTemplates)) { const variables = template.resourceTemplate.uriTemplate.match(uri.toString()); if (variables) { return template.readCallback(uri, variables, extra); } } throw new types_js_1.McpError(types_js_1.ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Resource ${uri} not found`); }); this.setCompletionRequestHandler(); this._resourceHandlersInitialized = true; } setPromptRequestHandlers() { if (this._promptHandlersInitialized) { return; } this.server.assertCanSetRequestHandler(types_js_1.ListPromptsRequestSchema.shape.method.value); this.server.assertCanSetRequestHandler(types_js_1.GetPromptRequestSchema.shape.method.value); this.server.registerCapabilities({ prompts: {}, }); this.server.setRequestHandler(types_js_1.ListPromptsRequestSchema, () => ({ prompts: Object.entries(this._registeredPrompts).map(([name, prompt]) => { return { name, description: prompt.description, arguments: prompt.argsSchema ? promptArgumentsFromSchema(prompt.argsSchema) : undefined, }; }), })); this.server.setRequestHandler(types_js_1.GetPromptRequestSchema, async (request, extra) => { const prompt = this._registeredPrompts[]; if (!prompt) { throw new types_js_1.McpError(types_js_1.ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Prompt ${} not found`); } if (prompt.argsSchema) { const parseResult = await prompt.argsSchema.safeParseAsync(request.params.arguments); if (!parseResult.success) { throw new types_js_1.McpError(types_js_1.ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Invalid arguments for prompt ${}: ${parseResult.error.message}`); } const args =; const cb = prompt.callback; return await Promise.resolve(cb(args, extra)); } else { const cb = prompt.callback; return await Promise.resolve(cb(extra)); } }); this.setCompletionRequestHandler(); this._promptHandlersInitialized = true; } resource(name, uriOrTemplate, { let metadata; if (typeof rest[0] === "object") { metadata = rest.shift(); } const readCallback = rest[0]; if (typeof uriOrTemplate === "string") { if (this._registeredResources[uriOrTemplate]) { throw new Error(`Resource ${uriOrTemplate} is already registered`); } this._registeredResources[uriOrTemplate] = { name, metadata, readCallback: readCallback, }; } else { if (this._registeredResourceTemplates[name]) { throw new Error(`Resource template ${name} is already registered`); } this._registeredResourceTemplates[name] = { resourceTemplate: uriOrTemplate, metadata, readCallback: readCallback, }; } this.setResourceRequestHandlers(); } tool(name, { if (this._registeredTools[name]) { throw new Error(`Tool ${name} is already registered`); } let description; if (typeof rest[0] === "string") { description = rest.shift(); } let paramsSchema; if (rest.length > 1) { paramsSchema = rest.shift(); } const cb = rest[0]; this._registeredTools[name] = { description, inputSchema: paramsSchema === undefined ? undefined : zod_1.z.object(paramsSchema), callback: cb, }; this.setToolRequestHandlers(); } prompt(name, { if (this._registeredPrompts[name]) { throw new Error(`Prompt ${name} is already registered`); } let description; if (typeof rest[0] === "string") { description = rest.shift(); } let argsSchema; if (rest.length > 1) { argsSchema = rest.shift(); } const cb = rest[0]; this._registeredPrompts[name] = { description, argsSchema: argsSchema === undefined ? undefined : zod_1.z.object(argsSchema), callback: cb, }; this.setPromptRequestHandlers(); } } exports.McpServer = McpServer; /** * A resource template combines a URI pattern with optional functionality to enumerate * all resources matching that pattern. */ class ResourceTemplate { constructor(uriTemplate, _callbacks) { this._callbacks = _callbacks; this._uriTemplate = typeof uriTemplate === "string" ? new uriTemplate_js_1.UriTemplate(uriTemplate) : uriTemplate; } /** * Gets the URI template pattern. */ get uriTemplate() { return this._uriTemplate; } /** * Gets the list callback, if one was provided. */ get listCallback() { return this._callbacks.list; } /** * Gets the callback for completing a specific URI template variable, if one was provided. */ completeCallback(variable) { var _a; return (_a = this._callbacks.complete) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[variable]; } } exports.ResourceTemplate = ResourceTemplate; const EMPTY_OBJECT_JSON_SCHEMA = { type: "object", }; function promptArgumentsFromSchema(schema) { return Object.entries(schema.shape).map(([name, field]) => ({ name, description: field.description, required: !field.isOptional(), })); } function createCompletionResult(suggestions) { return { completion: { values: suggestions.slice(0, 100), total: suggestions.length, hasMore: suggestions.length > 100, }, }; } const EMPTY_COMPLETION_RESULT = { completion: { values: [], hasMore: false, }, }; //#