MCP Postgres Server

#!/bin/bash # Script to run the MCP PostgreSQL Server in Docker # Check if .env file exists if [ ! -f .env ]; then echo "Error: .env file not found!" echo "Please create a .env file with your database credentials before running this script." exit 1 fi # Check if Docker is installed if ! command -v docker &> /dev/null; then echo "Error: Docker is not installed or not in PATH!" exit 1 fi # Check if Docker Compose is installed if ! command -v docker-compose &> /dev/null; then echo "Error: Docker Compose is not installed or not in PATH!" exit 1 fi # Create logs directory if it doesn't exist mkdir -p logs # Function to display usage show_usage() { echo "Usage: ./ [OPTION]" echo "Options:" echo " start Build and start the container in detached mode" echo " stop Stop and remove the container" echo " logs View container logs" echo " restart Restart the container" echo " build Rebuild the Docker image" echo " exec Execute a command inside the container (e.g., './ exec \"node dist/index.js\"')" echo " run Run the server directly (shortcut for exec with node dist/index.js)" echo " help Display this help message" } # Process command line arguments case "$1" in start) echo "Starting MCP PostgreSQL Server in Docker..." docker-compose up -d echo "Container started. Use './ logs' to view logs." ;; stop) echo "Stopping MCP PostgreSQL Server..." docker-compose down echo "Container stopped." ;; logs) echo "Showing logs (Ctrl+C to exit)..." docker-compose logs -f ;; restart) echo "Restarting MCP PostgreSQL Server..." docker-compose restart echo "Container restarted." ;; exec) if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "Error: No command specified." echo "Usage: ./ exec \"COMMAND\"" echo "Example: ./ exec \"node dist/index.js\"" exit 1 fi # Load environment variables export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs) # Build the database URL DB_URL="postgresql://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@host.docker.internal:5432/${POSTGRES_DB}" echo "Executing command in container: $2" docker exec -i \ -e DATABASE_URL="$DB_URL" \ mcp-postgres-server \ sh -c "$2" ;; run) # Load environment variables export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs) # Build the database URL DB_URL="postgresql://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@host.docker.internal:5432/${POSTGRES_DB}" echo "Running MCP server directly in container..." docker exec -i \ -e DATABASE_URL="$DB_URL" \ mcp-postgres-server \ node dist/index.js ;; build) echo "Rebuilding Docker image..." docker-compose build --no-cache echo "Image rebuilt." ;; help|*) show_usage ;; esac