MCP Language Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Designed to work with Claude Desktop as an MCP server to enhance Claude's ability to understand and work with large codebases through language server integration
  • Integrates with Python language server (pyright) to provide code intelligence, including definitions, references, diagnostics, and code lens for Python codebases
  • Integrates with Rust language server (rust-analyzer) to provide code intelligence, including definitions, references, diagnostics, and code lens for Rust codebases
  • Integrates with TypeScript language server (tsserver) to provide code intelligence, including definitions, references, diagnostics, and code lens for TypeScript codebases

MCP Language Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that runs a language server and provides tools for communicating with it.


Claude desktop with the filesystem server feels like magic when working on small projects. This starts to fall apart after you add a few files and imports. With this project, I want to create that experience when working with large projects.

Language servers excel at tasks that LLMs often struggle with, such as precisely understanding types, understanding relationships, and providing accurate symbol references. This project aims to makes bring those tools to LLMs. LSP also seems like a clear inspiration for MCP so why not jam them together?


⚠️ Pre-beta Quality ⚠️

I have tested this server with the following language servers

  • pyright (Python)
  • tsserver (TypeScript)
  • gopls (Go)
  • rust-analyzer (Rust)

But it should be compatible with many more.


  • read_definition: Retrieves the complete source code definition of any symbol (function, type, constant, etc.) from your codebase.
  • find_references: Locates all usages and references of a symbol throughout the codebase.
  • get_diagnostics: Provides diagnostic information for a specific file, including warnings and errors.
  • get_codelens: Retrieves code lens hints for additional context and actions on your code.
  • execute_codelens: Runs a code lens action.
  • apply_text_edit: Allows making multiple text edits to a file programmatically.

Behind the scenes, this MCP server can act on workspace/applyEdit requests from the language server, so it can apply things like refactor requests, adding imports, formatting code, etc.

Each tool supports various options for customizing output, such as including line numbers or additional context. See the tool documentation for detailed usage. Line numbers are necessary for apply_text_edit to be able to make accurate edits.


This codebase makes use of edited code from gopls to handle LSP communication. See ATTRIBUTION for details.

mcp-golang is used for MCP communication.


Install Go: Follow instructions at

Fetch or update this server:

go install

Install a language server for your codebase:

  • Python (pyright): npm install -g pyright
  • TypeScript (tsserver): npm install -g typescript typescript-language-server
  • Go (gopls): go install
  • Rust (rust-analyzer): rustup component add rust-analyzer
  • Or use any language server


Add something like the following configuration to your Claude Desktop settings (or similar MCP-enabled client):

{ "mcpServers": { "language-server": { "command": "go", "args": [ "run", "", "--workspace", "/Users/you/dev/yourpythoncodebase", "--lsp", "/opt/homebrew/bin/pyright-langserver", "--", "--stdio" ], "env": { "DEBUG": "1" } } } }


  • /Users/you/dev/yourpythoncodebase with the absolute path to your project
  • /opt/homebrew/bin/pyright-langserver with the path to your language server (found using which command e.g. which pyright-langserver)
  • Any aruments after -- are sent as arguments to your language server.
  • Any env variables are passed on to the language server. Some may be necessary for you language server. For example, gopls required GOPATH and GOCACHE in order for me to get it working properly.
  • DEBUG=1 is optional. See below.


Clone the repository:

git clone cd mcp-language-server

Install dev dependencies:

go mod download


go build -o server

Configure your Claude Desktop (or similar) to use the local binary:

{ "mcpServers": { "language-server": { "command": "/full/path/to/your/clone/mcp-language-server/server", "args": [ "--workspace", "/path/to/workspace", "--lsp", "/path/to/language/server" ], "env": { "DEBUG": "1" } } } }

Rebuild after making changes.



env: { "DEBUG": 1 }

To get detailed LSP and application logs. Please include as much information as possible when opening issues.

The following features are on my radar:

  • Read definition
  • Get references
  • Apply edit
  • Get diagnostics
  • Code lens
  • Hover info
  • Code actions
  • Better handling of context and cancellation
  • Add LSP server configuration options
  • Make a more consistent and scalable API for tools (pagination, etc.)
security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

Runs a language server and provides tools for communicating with it. Language servers excel at tasks that LLMs often struggle with, such as precisely understanding types, understanding relationships, and providing accurate symbol references.

  1. Motivation
    1. Status
      1. Tools
        1. About
          1. Prerequisites
            1. Setup
              1. Development
                1. Feedback