MCP Toolbox

"""Tests for file operations tools.""" import os import stat import tempfile from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from import ( _format_mode, _get_file_info, list_directory, read_file_content, replace_in_file, write_file_content, ) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_read_file_content(): """Test reading file content.""" # Create a temporary file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as temp_file: temp_file.write("Test content") temp_path = try: # Test reading the entire file result = await read_file_content(temp_path) assert result["success"] is True assert result["content"] == "Test content" assert "size" in result assert "last_modified" in result assert result["total_chunks"] == 1 assert result["chunk_index"] == 0 assert result["is_last_chunk"] is True # Test reading a non-existent file result = await read_file_content("/non/existent/file") assert result["success"] is False assert "File not found" in result["error"] # Test reading a directory temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: result = await read_file_content(temp_dir) assert result["success"] is False assert "Path is not a file" in result["error"] finally: os.rmdir(temp_dir) # Test reading a file with tilde in path with patch("pathlib.Path.expanduser", return_value=Path(temp_path)) as mock_expanduser: result = await read_file_content("~/test_file.txt") assert result["success"] is True assert result["content"] == "Test content" mock_expanduser.assert_called_once() # Test reading with custom chunk size result = await read_file_content(temp_path, chunk_size=5) assert result["success"] is True assert result["content"] == "Test " assert result["chunk_size"] == 5 assert result["chunk_index"] == 0 assert result["total_chunks"] == 3 # "Test content" is 12 chars, so 3 chunks of 5 bytes assert result["is_last_chunk"] is False # Test reading second chunk result = await read_file_content(temp_path, chunk_size=5, chunk_index=1) assert result["success"] is True assert result["content"] == "conte" assert result["chunk_index"] == 1 assert result["is_last_chunk"] is False # Test reading last chunk result = await read_file_content(temp_path, chunk_size=5, chunk_index=2) assert result["success"] is True assert result["content"] == "nt" assert result["chunk_index"] == 2 assert result["is_last_chunk"] is True assert result["chunk_actual_size"] == 2 # Only 2 bytes in the last chunk # Test reading with invalid chunk index result = await read_file_content(temp_path, chunk_size=5, chunk_index=3) assert result["success"] is False assert "Invalid chunk index" in result["error"] finally: # Clean up os.unlink(temp_path) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_write_file_content(): """Test writing file content.""" # Create a temporary directory with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # Test writing to a new file file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "test_file.txt") result = await write_file_content(file_path, "Test content") assert result["success"] is True assert os.path.exists(file_path) with open(file_path) as f: assert == "Test content" # Test appending to a file result = await write_file_content(file_path, " appended", append=True) assert result["success"] is True with open(file_path) as f: assert == "Test content appended" # Test writing to a nested path nested_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "nested", "dir", "test_file.txt") result = await write_file_content(nested_path, "Nested content") assert result["success"] is True assert os.path.exists(nested_path) with open(nested_path) as f: assert == "Nested content" # Test writing to a file with tilde in path tilde_path = "~/test_file_tilde.txt" expanded_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "test_file_tilde.txt") with patch("pathlib.Path.expanduser", return_value=Path(expanded_path)) as mock_expanduser: result = await write_file_content(tilde_path, "Tilde content") assert result["success"] is True mock_expanduser.assert_called_once() # Verify the file was created at the expanded path assert os.path.exists(expanded_path) with open(expanded_path) as f: assert == "Tilde content" @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_replace_in_file(): """Test replacing content in a file.""" # Create a temporary file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as temp_file: temp_file.write("Hello world! This is a test.") temp_path = try: # Test replacing content result = await replace_in_file(temp_path, r"world", "universe") assert result["success"] is True assert result["replacements"] == 1 with open(temp_path) as f: assert == "Hello universe! This is a test." # Test replacing with count result = await replace_in_file(temp_path, r"[aeiou]", "X", count=2) assert result["success"] is True assert result["replacements"] == 2 with open(temp_path) as f: assert == "HXllX universe! This is a test." # Test replacing with invalid regex result = await replace_in_file(temp_path, r"[unclosed", "X") assert result["success"] is False assert "Invalid regular expression" in result["error"] # Test replacing in non-existent file result = await replace_in_file("/non/existent/file", r"test", "replacement") assert result["success"] is False assert "File not found" in result["error"] # Test replacing in a file with tilde in path with patch("pathlib.Path.expanduser", return_value=Path(temp_path)) as mock_expanduser: result = await replace_in_file("~/test_file.txt", r"HXllX", "Hello") assert result["success"] is True assert result["replacements"] == 1 mock_expanduser.assert_called_once() with open(temp_path) as f: assert == "Hello universe! This is a test." finally: # Clean up os.unlink(temp_path) def test_format_mode(): """Test formatting file mode.""" # Directory with full permissions dir_mode = stat.S_IFDIR | 0o777 assert _format_mode(dir_mode) == "drwxrwxrwx" # Regular file with read-only permissions file_mode = stat.S_IFREG | 0o444 assert _format_mode(file_mode) == "-r--r--r--" # Executable file with owner-only permissions exec_mode = stat.S_IFREG | 0o700 assert _format_mode(exec_mode) == "-rwx------" # Symlink with mixed permissions link_mode = stat.S_IFLNK | 0o751 assert _format_mode(link_mode) == "lrwxr-x--x" @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_list_directory(): """Test listing directory contents.""" # Create a temporary directory structure with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # Create some files and subdirectories file1_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "file1.txt") with open(file1_path, "w") as f: f.write("File 1 content") file2_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "file2.txt") with open(file2_path, "w") as f: f.write("File 2 content") hidden_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, ".hidden_file") with open(hidden_file_path, "w") as f: f.write("Hidden file content") subdir_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "subdir") os.mkdir(subdir_path) subfile_path = os.path.join(subdir_path, "subfile.txt") with open(subfile_path, "w") as f: f.write("Subfile content") # Test basic directory listing result = await list_directory(temp_dir) assert result["success"] is True assert result["path"] == temp_dir assert len(result["entries"]) == 3 # 2 files + 1 directory, no hidden files assert result["count"] == 3 # Test with hidden files result = await list_directory(temp_dir, include_hidden=True) assert result["success"] is True assert len(result["entries"]) == 4 # 3 files + 1 directory, including hidden file assert result["count"] == 4 # Test recursive listing result = await list_directory(temp_dir, recursive=True) assert result["success"] is True assert len(result["entries"]) == 4 # 2 files + 1 directory + 1 subfile assert result["count"] == 4 # Test with max depth result = await list_directory(temp_dir, recursive=True, max_depth=0) assert result["success"] is True assert len(result["entries"]) == 3 # Only top-level entries assert result["count"] == 3 # Test non-existent directory result = await list_directory("/non/existent/dir") assert result["success"] is False assert "Directory not found" in result["error"] # Test file path instead of directory result = await list_directory(file1_path) assert result["success"] is False assert "Path is not a directory" in result["error"] # Test directory with tilde in path with patch("pathlib.Path.expanduser", return_value=Path(temp_dir)) as mock_expanduser: result = await list_directory("~/test_dir") assert result["success"] is True assert len(result["entries"]) == 3 # 2 files + 1 directory, no hidden files assert result["count"] == 3 mock_expanduser.assert_called_once() def test_get_file_info(): """Test getting file information.""" # Create a temporary file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as temp_file: temp_file.write("Test content") temp_path = try: # Get file info file_path = Path(temp_path) file_info = _get_file_info(file_path) # Check basic properties assert file_info["name"] == assert file_info["path"] == str(file_path) assert file_info["type"] == "file" assert file_info["size"] == len("Test content") assert "size_formatted" in file_info assert "permissions" in file_info assert "mode" in file_info assert "owner" in file_info assert "group" in file_info assert "created" in file_info assert "modified" in file_info assert "accessed" in file_info finally: # Clean up os.unlink(temp_path)