MCP Toolbox
by ai-zerolab
- mcp_toolbox
- file_ops
"""File operations tools for MCP-Toolbox."""
import re
import stat
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from import mcp
description="Read file content. Args: path (required, Path to the file to read), encoding (optional, File encoding), chunk_size (optional, Size of each chunk in bytes, default: 1MB), chunk_index (optional, Index of the chunk to retrieve, 0-based)"
async def read_file_content(
path: str, encoding: str = "utf-8", chunk_size: int = 1000000, chunk_index: int = 0
) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Read content from a file, with support for chunked reading for large files.
path: Path to the file to read
encoding: Optional. File encoding (default: utf-8)
chunk_size: Optional. Size of each chunk in bytes (default: 1000000, which about 1MB)
chunk_index: Optional. Index of the chunk to retrieve, 0-based (default: 0)
Dictionary containing content and metadata, including chunking information
file_path = Path(path).expanduser()
if not file_path.exists():
return {
"error": f"File not found: {path}",
"content": "",
"success": False,
if not file_path.is_file():
return {
"error": f"Path is not a file: {path}",
"content": "",
"success": False,
# Get file stats
stats = file_path.stat()
file_size = stats.st_size
# Calculate total chunks
total_chunks = (file_size + chunk_size - 1) // chunk_size # Ceiling division
# Validate chunk_index
if chunk_index < 0 or (file_size > 0 and chunk_index >= total_chunks):
return {
"error": f"Invalid chunk index: {chunk_index}. Valid range is 0 to {total_chunks - 1}",
"content": "",
"success": False,
"total_chunks": total_chunks,
"file_size": file_size,
# Calculate start and end positions for the chunk
start_pos = chunk_index * chunk_size
end_pos = min(start_pos + chunk_size, file_size)
chunk_actual_size = end_pos - start_pos
# Read the specified chunk
content = ""
with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
chunk_bytes =
# Try to decode as text
content = chunk_bytes.decode(encoding, errors="replace")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# If decoding fails, return base64 encoded binary data
import base64
content = base64.b64encode(chunk_bytes).decode("ascii")
encoding = f"base64 (original: {encoding})"
return {
"content": content,
"size": file_size,
"chunk_size": chunk_size,
"chunk_index": chunk_index,
"chunk_actual_size": chunk_actual_size,
"total_chunks": total_chunks,
"is_last_chunk": chunk_index == total_chunks - 1,
"encoding": encoding,
"last_modified": datetime.fromtimestamp(stats.st_mtime).isoformat(),
"success": True,
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return {
"error": f"Failed to decode file with encoding {encoding}. Try a different encoding.",
"content": "",
"success": False,
except Exception as e:
return {
"error": f"Failed to read file: {e!s}",
"content": "",
"success": False,
description="Write content to a file. Args: path (required, Path to the file to write), content (required, Content to write), encoding (optional, File encoding), append (optional, Whether to append to the file)"
async def write_file_content(path: str, content: str, encoding: str = "utf-8", append: bool = False) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Write content to a file.
path: Path to the file to write
content: Content to write to the file
encoding: Optional. File encoding (default: utf-8)
append: Optional. Whether to append to the file (default: False)
Dictionary containing success status and metadata
file_path = Path(path).expanduser()
# Create parent directories if they don't exist
file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Write content to file
mode = "a" if append else "w"
with open(file_path, mode, encoding=encoding) as f:
# Get file stats
stats = file_path.stat()
return {
"path": str(file_path),
"size": stats.st_size,
"last_modified": datetime.fromtimestamp(stats.st_mtime).isoformat(),
"success": True,
except Exception as e:
return {
"error": f"Failed to write file: {e!s}",
"path": path,
"success": False,
description="Replace content in a file using regular expressions. Args: path (required, Path to the file), pattern (required, Regular expression pattern), replacement (required, Replacement string), encoding (optional, File encoding), count (optional, Maximum number of replacements)"
async def replace_in_file(
path: str, pattern: str, replacement: str, encoding: str = "utf-8", count: int = 0
) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Replace content in a file using regular expressions.
path: Path to the file
pattern: Regular expression pattern
replacement: Replacement string
encoding: Optional. File encoding (default: utf-8)
count: Optional. Maximum number of replacements (default: 0, which means all occurrences)
Dictionary containing success status and replacement information
file_path = Path(path).expanduser()
if not file_path.exists():
return {
"error": f"File not found: {path}",
"success": False,
"replacements": 0,
if not file_path.is_file():
return {
"error": f"Path is not a file: {path}",
"success": False,
"replacements": 0,
# Read file content
with open(file_path, encoding=encoding) as f:
content =
# Compile regex pattern
regex = re.compile(pattern)
except re.error as e:
return {
"error": f"Invalid regular expression: {e!s}",
"success": False,
"replacements": 0,
# Replace content
new_content, replacements = regex.subn(replacement, content, count=count)
if replacements > 0:
# Write updated content back to file
with open(file_path, "w", encoding=encoding) as f:
return {
"path": str(file_path),
"replacements": replacements,
"success": True,
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return {
"error": f"Failed to decode file with encoding {encoding}. Try a different encoding.",
"success": False,
"replacements": 0,
except Exception as e:
return {
"error": f"Failed to replace content: {e!s}",
"success": False,
"replacements": 0,
def _format_mode(mode: int) -> str:
"""Format file mode into a string representation.
mode: File mode as an integer
String representation of file permissions
result = ""
# File type
if stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
result += "d"
elif stat.S_ISLNK(mode):
result += "l"
result += "-"
# User permissions
result += "r" if mode & stat.S_IRUSR else "-"
result += "w" if mode & stat.S_IWUSR else "-"
result += "x" if mode & stat.S_IXUSR else "-"
# Group permissions
result += "r" if mode & stat.S_IRGRP else "-"
result += "w" if mode & stat.S_IWGRP else "-"
result += "x" if mode & stat.S_IXGRP else "-"
# Other permissions
result += "r" if mode & stat.S_IROTH else "-"
result += "w" if mode & stat.S_IWOTH else "-"
result += "x" if mode & stat.S_IXOTH else "-"
return result
def _get_file_info(path: Path) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Get detailed information about a file or directory.
path: Path to the file or directory
Dictionary containing file information
stats = path.stat()
# Format timestamps
mtime = datetime.fromtimestamp(stats.st_mtime).isoformat()
ctime = datetime.fromtimestamp(stats.st_ctime).isoformat()
atime = datetime.fromtimestamp(stats.st_atime).isoformat()
# Get file type
if path.is_dir():
file_type = "directory"
elif path.is_symlink():
file_type = "symlink"
file_type = "file"
# Format size
size = stats.st_size
size_str = f"{size} bytes"
if size >= 1024:
size_str = f"{size / 1024:.2f} KB"
if size >= 1024 * 1024:
size_str = f"{size / (1024 * 1024):.2f} MB"
if size >= 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
size_str = f"{size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024):.2f} GB"
return {
"path": str(path),
"type": file_type,
"size": size,
"size_formatted": size_str,
"permissions": _format_mode(stats.st_mode),
"mode": stats.st_mode,
"owner": stats.st_uid,
"group": stats.st_gid,
"created": ctime,
"modified": mtime,
"accessed": atime,
description="List directory contents with detailed information. Args: path (required, Directory path), recursive (optional, Whether to list recursively), max_depth (optional, Maximum recursion depth), include_hidden (optional, Whether to include hidden files)"
async def list_directory(
path: str, recursive: bool = False, max_depth: int = -1, include_hidden: bool = False
) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""List directory contents with detailed information.
path: Directory path
recursive: Optional. Whether to list recursively (default: False)
max_depth: Optional. Maximum recursion depth (default: -1, which means no limit)
include_hidden: Optional. Whether to include hidden files (default: False)
Dictionary containing directory contents and metadata
dir_path = Path(path).expanduser()
if not dir_path.exists():
return {
"error": f"Directory not found: {path}",
"entries": [],
"success": False,
if not dir_path.is_dir():
return {
"error": f"Path is not a directory: {path}",
"entries": [],
"success": False,
entries = []
def process_directory(current_path: Path, current_depth: int = 0) -> None:
"""Process a directory and its contents recursively.
current_path: Path to the current directory
current_depth: Current recursion depth
nonlocal entries
# Check if we've reached the maximum depth
if max_depth >= 0 and current_depth > max_depth:
# List directory contents
for item in current_path.iterdir():
# Skip hidden files if not included
if not include_hidden and"."):
# Get file information
file_info = _get_file_info(item)
file_info["depth"] = current_depth
# Recursively process subdirectories
if recursive and item.is_dir():
process_directory(item, current_depth + 1)
except PermissionError:
# Add an entry indicating permission denied
"path": str(current_path),
"type": "directory",
"error": "Permission denied",
"depth": current_depth,
# Start processing from the root directory
return {
"path": str(dir_path),
"entries": entries,
"count": len(entries),
"success": True,
except Exception as e:
return {
"error": f"Failed to list directory: {e!s}",
"entries": [],
"success": False,