mcp-apple-notesRafalWilinski-securityFlicense-qualityEnables semantic search and RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) over your Apple Notes.120TypeScriptApple
mac-apps-launcherJoshuaRileyDev-securityFlicense-qualityAn MCP server to list and launch applications on MacOS21JavaScriptApple
app-store-connect-mcp-serverJoshuaRileyDevAsecurityFlicenseAqualityAn MCP server to communicate with the App Store Connect API for iOS Developers1326TypeScriptApple
VirusTotal MCP ServerBurtTheCoderAsecurityAlicenseAqualityA MCP server for querying the VirusTotal API. This server provides tools for scanning URLs, analyzing file hashes, and retrieving IP address reports.7104TypeScriptMIT LicenseApple
apple-notes-mcpsirmews-securityAlicense-qualityAllows the AI to read from your local Apple Notes database (macOS only)37PythonMIT LicenseApple