Notion MCP Server

"use strict"; const punycode = require("punycode"); const tr46 = require("tr46"); const specialSchemes = { ftp: 21, file: null, gopher: 70, http: 80, https: 443, ws: 80, wss: 443 }; const failure = Symbol("failure"); function countSymbols(str) { return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; } function at(input, idx) { const c = input[idx]; return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); } function isASCIIDigit(c) { return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; } function isASCIIAlpha(c) { return (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A); } function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); } function isASCIIHex(c) { return isASCIIDigit(c) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66); } function isSingleDot(buffer) { return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; } function isDoubleDot(buffer) { buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; } function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); } function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); } function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; } function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { return\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; } function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { return\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; } function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; } function isSpecial(url) { return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); } function defaultPort(scheme) { return specialSchemes[scheme]; } function percentEncode(c) { let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); if (hex.length === 1) { hex = "0" + hex; } return "%" + hex; } function utf8PercentEncode(c) { const buf = new Buffer(c); let str = ""; for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { str += percentEncode(buf[i]); } return str; } function utf8PercentDecode(str) { const input = new Buffer(str); const output = []; for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { if (input[i] !== 37) { output.push(input[i]); } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); i += 2; } else { output.push(input[i]); } } return new Buffer(output).toString(); } function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; } const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); function isPathPercentEncode(c) { return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); } const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); } function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); } return cStr; } function parseIPv4Number(input) { let R = 10; if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { input = input.substring(2); R = 16; } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { input = input.substring(1); R = 8; } if (input === "") { return 0; } const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : (R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/); if (regex.test(input)) { return failure; } return parseInt(input, R); } function parseIPv4(input) { const parts = input.split("."); if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { if (parts.length > 1) { parts.pop(); } } if (parts.length > 4) { return input; } const numbers = []; for (const part of parts) { if (part === "") { return input; } const n = parseIPv4Number(part); if (n === failure) { return input; } numbers.push(n); } for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { if (numbers[i] > 255) { return failure; } } if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { return failure; } let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); let counter = 0; for (const n of numbers) { ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); ++counter; } return ipv4; } function serializeIPv4(address) { let output = ""; let n = address; for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { output = String(n % 256) + output; if (i !== 4) { output = "." + output; } n = Math.floor(n / 256); } return output; } function parseIPv6(input) { const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; let pieceIndex = 0; let compress = null; let pointer = 0; input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); if (input[pointer] === 58) { if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { return failure; } pointer += 2; ++pieceIndex; compress = pieceIndex; } while (pointer < input.length) { if (pieceIndex === 8) { return failure; } if (input[pointer] === 58) { if (compress !== null) { return failure; } ++pointer; ++pieceIndex; compress = pieceIndex; continue; } let value = 0; let length = 0; while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); ++pointer; ++length; } if (input[pointer] === 46) { if (length === 0) { return failure; } pointer -= length; if (pieceIndex > 6) { return failure; } let numbersSeen = 0; while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { let ipv4Piece = null; if (numbersSeen > 0) { if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { ++pointer; } else { return failure; } } if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { return failure; } while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); if (ipv4Piece === null) { ipv4Piece = number; } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { return failure; } else { ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; } if (ipv4Piece > 255) { return failure; } ++pointer; } address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; ++numbersSeen; if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { ++pieceIndex; } } if (numbersSeen !== 4) { return failure; } break; } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { ++pointer; if (input[pointer] === undefined) { return failure; } } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { return failure; } address[pieceIndex] = value; ++pieceIndex; } if (compress !== null) { let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; pieceIndex = 7; while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; address[pieceIndex] = temp; --pieceIndex; --swaps; } } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { return failure; } return address; } function serializeIPv6(address) { let output = ""; const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); const compress = seqResult.idx; let ignore0 = false; for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { continue; } else if (ignore0) { ignore0 = false; } if (compress === pieceIndex) { const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; output += separator; ignore0 = true; continue; } output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); if (pieceIndex !== 7) { output += ":"; } } return output; } function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { if (input[0] === "[") { if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { return failure; } return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); } if (!isSpecialArg) { return parseOpaqueHost(input); } const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); if (asciiDomain === null) { return failure; } if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { return failure; } const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { return ipv4Host; } return asciiDomain; } function parseOpaqueHost(input) { if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { return failure; } let output = ""; const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); } return output; } function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { let maxIdx = null; let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 let currStart = null; let currLen = 0; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { if (arr[i] !== 0) { if (currLen > maxLen) { maxIdx = currStart; maxLen = currLen; } currStart = null; currLen = 0; } else { if (currStart === null) { currStart = i; } ++currLen; } } // if trailing zeros if (currLen > maxLen) { maxIdx = currStart; maxLen = currLen; } return { idx: maxIdx, len: maxLen }; } function serializeHost(host) { if (typeof host === "number") { return serializeIPv4(host); } // IPv6 serializer if (host instanceof Array) { return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; } return host; } function trimControlChars(url) { return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); } function trimTabAndNewline(url) { return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); } function shortenPath(url) { const path = url.path; if (path.length === 0) { return; } if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { return; } path.pop(); } function includesCredentials(url) { return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; } function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { return === null || === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; } function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); } function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { this.pointer = 0; this.input = input; this.base = base || null; this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; this.stateOverride = stateOverride; this.url = url; this.failure = false; this.parseError = false; if (!this.url) { this.url = { scheme: "", username: "", password: "", host: null, port: null, path: [], query: null, fragment: null, cannotBeABaseURL: false }; const res = trimControlChars(this.input); if (res !== this.input) { this.parseError = true; } this.input = res; } const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); if (res !== this.input) { this.parseError = true; } this.input = res; this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; this.buffer = ""; this.atFlag = false; this.arrFlag = false; this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { const c = this.input[this.pointer]; const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); // exec state machine const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); if (!ret) { break; // terminate algorithm } else if (ret === failure) { this.failure = true; break; } } } URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); this.state = "scheme"; } else if (!this.stateOverride) { this.state = "no scheme"; --this.pointer; } else { this.parseError = true; return failure; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); } else if (c === 58) { if (this.stateOverride) { if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { return false; } if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { return false; } if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { return false; } if (this.url.scheme === "file" && ( === "" || === null)) { return false; } } this.url.scheme = this.buffer; this.buffer = ""; if (this.stateOverride) { return false; } if (this.url.scheme === "file") { if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { this.parseError = true; } this.state = "file"; } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { this.state = "special relative or authority"; } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { this.state = "special authority slashes"; } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { this.state = "path or authority"; ++this.pointer; } else { this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; this.url.path.push(""); this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; } } else if (!this.stateOverride) { this.buffer = ""; this.state = "no scheme"; this.pointer = -1; } else { this.parseError = true; return failure; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { if (this.base === null || (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35)) { return failure; } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); this.url.query = this.base.query; this.url.fragment = ""; this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; this.state = "fragment"; } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { this.state = "file"; --this.pointer; } else { this.state = "relative"; --this.pointer; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; ++this.pointer; } else { this.parseError = true; this.state = "relative"; --this.pointer; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { if (c === 47) { this.state = "authority"; } else { this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; if (isNaN(c)) { this.url.username = this.base.username; this.url.password = this.base.password; =; this.url.port = this.base.port; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); this.url.query = this.base.query; } else if (c === 47) { this.state = "relative slash"; } else if (c === 63) { this.url.username = this.base.username; this.url.password = this.base.password; =; this.url.port = this.base.port; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); this.url.query = ""; this.state = "query"; } else if (c === 35) { this.url.username = this.base.username; this.url.password = this.base.password; =; this.url.port = this.base.port; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); this.url.query = this.base.query; this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { this.parseError = true; this.state = "relative slash"; } else { this.url.username = this.base.username; this.url.password = this.base.password; =; this.url.port = this.base.port; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { if (c === 92) { this.parseError = true; } this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; } else if (c === 47) { this.state = "authority"; } else { this.url.username = this.base.username; this.url.password = this.base.password; =; this.url.port = this.base.port; this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; ++this.pointer; } else { this.parseError = true; this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; --this.pointer; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { this.state = "authority"; --this.pointer; } else { this.parseError = true; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { if (c === 64) { this.parseError = true; if (this.atFlag) { this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; } this.atFlag = true; // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; continue; } const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; } else { this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; } } this.buffer = ""; } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { this.parseError = true; return failure; } this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; this.buffer = ""; this.state = "host"; } else { this.buffer += cStr; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { --this.pointer; this.state = "file host"; } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { if (this.buffer === "") { this.parseError = true; return failure; } const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); if (host === failure) { return failure; } = host; this.buffer = ""; this.state = "port"; if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { return false; } } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { --this.pointer; if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { this.parseError = true; return failure; } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { this.parseError = true; return false; } const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); if (host === failure) { return failure; } = host; this.buffer = ""; this.state = "path start"; if (this.stateOverride) { return false; } } else { if (c === 91) { this.arrFlag = true; } else if (c === 93) { this.arrFlag = false; } this.buffer += cStr; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { this.buffer += cStr; } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || this.stateOverride) { if (this.buffer !== "") { const port = parseInt(this.buffer); if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { this.parseError = true; return failure; } this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; this.buffer = ""; } if (this.stateOverride) { return false; } this.state = "path start"; --this.pointer; } else { this.parseError = true; return failure; } return true; }; const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { this.url.scheme = "file"; if (c === 47 || c === 92) { if (c === 92) { this.parseError = true; } this.state = "file slash"; } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { if (isNaN(c)) { =; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); this.url.query = this.base.query; } else if (c === 63) { =; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); this.url.query = ""; this.state = "query"; } else if (c === 35) { =; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); this.url.query = this.base.query; this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } else { if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { =; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); shortenPath(this.url); } else { this.parseError = true; } this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } } else { this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { if (c === 47 || c === 92) { if (c === 92) { this.parseError = true; } this.state = "file host"; } else { if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); } else { =; } } this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { --this.pointer; if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { this.parseError = true; this.state = "path"; } else if (this.buffer === "") { = ""; if (this.stateOverride) { return false; } this.state = "path start"; } else { let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); if (host === failure) { return failure; } if (host === "localhost") { host = ""; } = host; if (this.stateOverride) { return false; } this.buffer = ""; this.state = "path start"; } } else { this.buffer += cStr; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { if (isSpecial(this.url)) { if (c === 92) { this.parseError = true; } this.state = "path"; if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { --this.pointer; } } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { this.url.query = ""; this.state = "query"; } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } else if (c !== undefined) { this.state = "path"; if (c !== 47) { --this.pointer; } } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) || (!this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35))) { if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { this.parseError = true; } if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { shortenPath(this.url); if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { this.url.path.push(""); } } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { this.url.path.push(""); } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { if ( !== "" && !== null) { this.parseError = true; = ""; } this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; } this.url.path.push(this.buffer); } this.buffer = ""; if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { this.parseError = true; this.url.path.shift(); } } if (c === 63) { this.url.query = ""; this.state = "query"; } if (c === 35) { this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } } else { // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. if (c === 37 && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { this.parseError = true; } this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { if (c === 63) { this.url.query = ""; this.state = "query"; } else if (c === 35) { this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } else { // TODO: Add: not a URL code point if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { this.parseError = true; } if (c === 37 && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { this.parseError = true; } if (!isNaN(c)) { this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); } } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { if (isNaN(c) || (!this.stateOverride && c === 35)) { if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; } const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); } else { this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); } } this.buffer = ""; if (c === 35) { this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } } else { // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. if (c === 37 && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { this.parseError = true; } this.buffer += cStr; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { if (isNaN(c)) { // do nothing } else if (c === 0x0) { this.parseError = true; } else { // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. if (c === 37 && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { this.parseError = true; } this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); } return true; }; function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { let output = url.scheme + ":"; if ( !== null) { output += "//"; if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { output += url.username; if (url.password !== "") { output += ":" + url.password; } output += "@"; } output += serializeHost(; if (url.port !== null) { output += ":" + url.port; } } else if ( === null && url.scheme === "file") { output += "//"; } if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { output += url.path[0]; } else { for (const string of url.path) { output += "/" + string; } } if (url.query !== null) { output += "?" + url.query; } if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { output += "#" + url.fragment; } return output; } function serializeOrigin(tuple) { let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; result += serializeHost(; if (tuple.port !== null) { result += ":" + tuple.port; } return result; } module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { // switch (url.scheme) { case "blob": try { return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); } catch (e) { // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" return "null"; } case "ftp": case "gopher": case "http": case "https": case "ws": case "wss": return serializeOrigin({ scheme: url.scheme, host:, port: url.port }); case "file": // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" return "file://"; default: // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" return "null"; } }; module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { if (options === undefined) { options = {}; } const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); if (usm.failure) { return "failure"; } return usm.url; }; module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { url.username = ""; const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); } }; module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { url.password = ""; const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); } }; module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { return String(integer); }; module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { if (options === undefined) { options = {}; } // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); };