Notion MCP Server

"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.getTsConfigDefaults = exports.ComputeAsCommonRootOfFiles = exports.loadCompiler = exports.resolveAndLoadCompiler = exports.readConfig = exports.findAndReadConfig = void 0; const path_1 = require("path"); const index_1 = require("./index"); const ts_internals_1 = require("./ts-internals"); const tsconfigs_1 = require("./tsconfigs"); const util_1 = require("./util"); /** * TypeScript compiler option values required by `ts-node` which cannot be overridden. */ const TS_NODE_COMPILER_OPTIONS = { sourceMap: true, inlineSourceMap: false, inlineSources: true, declaration: false, noEmit: false, outDir: '.ts-node', }; /* * Do post-processing on config options to support `ts-node`. */ function fixConfig(ts, config) { // Delete options that *should not* be passed through. delete config.options.out; delete config.options.outFile; delete config.options.composite; delete config.options.declarationDir; delete config.options.declarationMap; delete config.options.emitDeclarationOnly; // Target ES5 output by default (instead of ES3). if ( === undefined) { = ts.ScriptTarget.ES5; } // Target CommonJS modules by default (instead of magically switching to ES6 when the target is ES6). if (config.options.module === undefined) { config.options.module = ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS; } return config; } /** @internal */ function findAndReadConfig(rawOptions) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; const cwd = (0, path_1.resolve)((_c = (_b = (_a = rawOptions.cwd) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : rawOptions.dir) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : index_1.DEFAULTS.cwd) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : process.cwd()); const compilerName = (_d = rawOptions.compiler) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : index_1.DEFAULTS.compiler; // Compute minimum options to read the config file. let projectLocalResolveDir = (0, util_1.getBasePathForProjectLocalDependencyResolution)(undefined, rawOptions.projectSearchDir, rawOptions.project, cwd); let { compiler, ts } = resolveAndLoadCompiler(compilerName, projectLocalResolveDir); // Read config file and merge new options between env and CLI options. const { configFilePath, config, tsNodeOptionsFromTsconfig, optionBasePaths } = readConfig(cwd, ts, rawOptions); const options = (0, util_1.assign)({}, index_1.DEFAULTS, tsNodeOptionsFromTsconfig || {}, { optionBasePaths }, rawOptions); options.require = [ ...(tsNodeOptionsFromTsconfig.require || []), ...(rawOptions.require || []), ]; // Re-resolve the compiler in case it has changed. // Compiler is loaded relative to tsconfig.json, so tsconfig discovery may cause us to load a // different compiler than we did above, even if the name has not changed. if (configFilePath) { projectLocalResolveDir = (0, util_1.getBasePathForProjectLocalDependencyResolution)(configFilePath, rawOptions.projectSearchDir, rawOptions.project, cwd); ({ compiler } = resolveCompiler(options.compiler, (_e = optionBasePaths.compiler) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : projectLocalResolveDir)); } return { options, config, projectLocalResolveDir, optionBasePaths, configFilePath, cwd, compiler, }; } exports.findAndReadConfig = findAndReadConfig; /** * Load TypeScript configuration. Returns the parsed TypeScript config and * any `ts-node` options specified in the config file. * * Even when a tsconfig.json is not loaded, this function still handles merging * compilerOptions from various sources: API, environment variables, etc. * * @internal */ function readConfig(cwd, ts, rawApiOptions) { var _a, _b, _c; // Ordered [a, b, c] where config a extends b extends c const configChain = []; let config = { compilerOptions: {} }; let basePath = cwd; let configFilePath = undefined; const projectSearchDir = (0, path_1.resolve)(cwd, (_a = rawApiOptions.projectSearchDir) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : cwd); const { fileExists = ts.sys.fileExists, readFile = ts.sys.readFile, skipProject = index_1.DEFAULTS.skipProject, project = index_1.DEFAULTS.project, tsTrace = index_1.DEFAULTS.tsTrace, } = rawApiOptions; // Read project configuration when available. if (!skipProject) { if (project) { const resolved = (0, path_1.resolve)(cwd, project); const nested = (0, path_1.join)(resolved, 'tsconfig.json'); configFilePath = fileExists(nested) ? nested : resolved; } else { configFilePath = ts.findConfigFile(projectSearchDir, fileExists); } if (configFilePath) { let pathToNextConfigInChain = configFilePath; const tsInternals = (0, ts_internals_1.createTsInternals)(ts); const errors = []; // Follow chain of "extends" while (true) { const result = ts.readConfigFile(pathToNextConfigInChain, readFile); // Return diagnostics. if (result.error) { return { configFilePath, config: { errors: [result.error], fileNames: [], options: {} }, tsNodeOptionsFromTsconfig: {}, optionBasePaths: {}, }; } const c = result.config; const bp = (0, path_1.dirname)(pathToNextConfigInChain); configChain.push({ config: c, basePath: bp, configPath: pathToNextConfigInChain, }); if (c.extends == null) break; const resolvedExtendedConfigPath = tsInternals.getExtendsConfigPath(c.extends, { fileExists, readDirectory: ts.sys.readDirectory, readFile, useCaseSensitiveFileNames: ts.sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames, trace: tsTrace, }, bp, errors, ts.createCompilerDiagnostic); if (errors.length) { return { configFilePath, config: { errors, fileNames: [], options: {} }, tsNodeOptionsFromTsconfig: {}, optionBasePaths: {}, }; } if (resolvedExtendedConfigPath == null) break; pathToNextConfigInChain = resolvedExtendedConfigPath; } ({ config, basePath } = configChain[0]); } } // Merge and fix ts-node options that come from tsconfig.json(s) const tsNodeOptionsFromTsconfig = {}; const optionBasePaths = {}; for (let i = configChain.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const { config, basePath, configPath } = configChain[i]; const options = filterRecognizedTsConfigTsNodeOptions(config['ts-node']).recognized; // Some options are relative to the config file, so must be converted to absolute paths here if (options.require) { // Modules are found relative to the tsconfig file, not the `dir` option const tsconfigRelativeResolver = (0, util_1.createProjectLocalResolveHelper)((0, path_1.dirname)(configPath)); options.require = => tsconfigRelativeResolver(path, false)); } if (options.scopeDir) { options.scopeDir = (0, path_1.resolve)(basePath, options.scopeDir); } // Downstream code uses the basePath; we do not do that here. if (options.moduleTypes) { optionBasePaths.moduleTypes = basePath; } if (options.transpiler != null) { optionBasePaths.transpiler = basePath; } if (options.compiler != null) { optionBasePaths.compiler = basePath; } if (options.swc != null) { optionBasePaths.swc = basePath; } (0, util_1.assign)(tsNodeOptionsFromTsconfig, options); } // Remove resolution of "files". const files = (_c = (_b = rawApiOptions.files) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : tsNodeOptionsFromTsconfig.files) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : index_1.DEFAULTS.files; // Only if a config file is *not* loaded, load an implicit configuration from @tsconfig/bases const skipDefaultCompilerOptions = configFilePath != null; const defaultCompilerOptionsForNodeVersion = skipDefaultCompilerOptions ? undefined : { ...(0, tsconfigs_1.getDefaultTsconfigJsonForNodeVersion)(ts).compilerOptions, types: ['node'], }; // Merge compilerOptions from all sources config.compilerOptions = Object.assign({}, // automatically-applied options from @tsconfig/bases defaultCompilerOptionsForNodeVersion, // tsconfig.json "compilerOptions" config.compilerOptions, // from env var index_1.DEFAULTS.compilerOptions, // tsconfig.json "ts-node": "compilerOptions" tsNodeOptionsFromTsconfig.compilerOptions, // passed programmatically rawApiOptions.compilerOptions, // overrides required by ts-node, cannot be changed TS_NODE_COMPILER_OPTIONS); const fixedConfig = fixConfig(ts, ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent(config, { fileExists, readFile, // Only used for globbing "files", "include", "exclude" // When `files` option disabled, we want to avoid the fs calls readDirectory: files ? ts.sys.readDirectory : () => [], useCaseSensitiveFileNames: ts.sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames, }, basePath, undefined, configFilePath)); return { configFilePath, config: fixedConfig, tsNodeOptionsFromTsconfig, optionBasePaths, }; } exports.readConfig = readConfig; /** * Load the typescript compiler. It is required to load the tsconfig but might * be changed by the tsconfig, so we have to do this twice. * @internal */ function resolveAndLoadCompiler(name, relativeToPath) { const { compiler } = resolveCompiler(name, relativeToPath); const ts = loadCompiler(compiler); return { compiler, ts }; } exports.resolveAndLoadCompiler = resolveAndLoadCompiler; function resolveCompiler(name, relativeToPath) { const projectLocalResolveHelper = (0, util_1.createProjectLocalResolveHelper)(relativeToPath); const compiler = projectLocalResolveHelper(name || 'typescript', true); return { compiler }; } /** @internal */ function loadCompiler(compiler) { return (0, util_1.attemptRequireWithV8CompileCache)(require, compiler); } exports.loadCompiler = loadCompiler; /** * Given the raw "ts-node" sub-object from a tsconfig, return an object with only the properties * recognized by "ts-node" */ function filterRecognizedTsConfigTsNodeOptions(jsonObject) { if (jsonObject == null) return { recognized: {}, unrecognized: {} }; const { compiler, compilerHost, compilerOptions, emit, files, ignore, ignoreDiagnostics, logError, preferTsExts, pretty, require, skipIgnore, transpileOnly, typeCheck, transpiler, scope, scopeDir, moduleTypes, experimentalReplAwait, swc, experimentalResolver, esm, experimentalSpecifierResolution, experimentalTsImportSpecifiers, ...unrecognized } = jsonObject; const filteredTsConfigOptions = { compiler, compilerHost, compilerOptions, emit, experimentalReplAwait, files, ignore, ignoreDiagnostics, logError, preferTsExts, pretty, require, skipIgnore, transpileOnly, typeCheck, transpiler, scope, scopeDir, moduleTypes, swc, experimentalResolver, esm, experimentalSpecifierResolution, experimentalTsImportSpecifiers, }; // Use the typechecker to make sure this implementation has the correct set of properties const catchExtraneousProps = null; const catchMissingProps = null; return { recognized: filteredTsConfigOptions, unrecognized }; } /** @internal */ exports.ComputeAsCommonRootOfFiles = Symbol(); /** * Some TS compiler options have defaults which are not provided by TS's config parsing functions. * This function centralizes the logic for computing those defaults. * @internal */ function getTsConfigDefaults(config, basePath, _files, _include, _exclude) { const { composite = false } = config.options; let rootDir = config.options.rootDir; if (rootDir == null) { if (composite) rootDir = basePath; // Return this symbol to avoid computing from `files`, which would require fs calls else rootDir = exports.ComputeAsCommonRootOfFiles; } const { outDir = rootDir } = config.options; // Docs are wrong: // Docs say **, but it's actually **/*; compiler throws error for ** const include = _files ? [] : ['**/*']; const files = _files !== null && _files !== void 0 ? _files : []; // Docs are misleading: // Docs say it excludes node_modules, bower_components, jspm_packages, but actually those are excluded via behavior of "include" const exclude = _exclude !== null && _exclude !== void 0 ? _exclude : [outDir]; // TODO technically, outDir is absolute path, but exclude should be relative glob pattern? // TODO compute baseUrl return { rootDir, outDir, include, files, exclude, composite }; } exports.getTsConfigDefaults = getTsConfigDefaults; //#