Notion MCP Server

// copied from 'use strict'; const { ArrayFrom, ArrayPrototypeForEach, ArrayPrototypeIncludes, ArrayPrototypeJoin, ArrayPrototypePop, ArrayPrototypePush, FunctionPrototype, ObjectKeys, RegExpPrototypeSymbolReplace, StringPrototypeEndsWith, StringPrototypeIncludes, StringPrototypeIndexOf, StringPrototypeRepeat, StringPrototypeSplit, StringPrototypeStartsWith, SyntaxError, } = require('./node-primordials'); const parser = require('acorn').Parser; const walk = require('acorn-walk'); const { Recoverable } = require('repl'); function isTopLevelDeclaration(state) { return state.ancestors[state.ancestors.length - 2] === state.body; } const noop = FunctionPrototype; const visitorsWithoutAncestors = { ClassDeclaration(node, state, c) { if (isTopLevelDeclaration(state)) { state.prepend(node, `${}=`); ArrayPrototypePush( state.hoistedDeclarationStatements, `let ${}; ` ); } walk.base.ClassDeclaration(node, state, c); }, ForOfStatement(node, state, c) { if (node.await === true) { state.containsAwait = true; } walk.base.ForOfStatement(node, state, c); }, FunctionDeclaration(node, state, c) { state.prepend(node, `${}=`); ArrayPrototypePush( state.hoistedDeclarationStatements, `var ${}; ` ); }, FunctionExpression: noop, ArrowFunctionExpression: noop, MethodDefinition: noop, AwaitExpression(node, state, c) { state.containsAwait = true; walk.base.AwaitExpression(node, state, c); }, ReturnStatement(node, state, c) { state.containsReturn = true; walk.base.ReturnStatement(node, state, c); }, VariableDeclaration(node, state, c) { const variableKind = node.kind; const isIterableForDeclaration = ArrayPrototypeIncludes( ['ForOfStatement', 'ForInStatement'], state.ancestors[state.ancestors.length - 2].type ); if (variableKind === 'var' || isTopLevelDeclaration(state)) { state.replace( node.start, node.start + variableKind.length + (isIterableForDeclaration ? 1 : 0), variableKind === 'var' && isIterableForDeclaration ? '' : 'void' + (node.declarations.length === 1 ? '' : ' (') ); if (!isIterableForDeclaration) { ArrayPrototypeForEach(node.declarations, (decl) => { state.prepend(decl, '('); state.append(decl, decl.init ? ')' : '=undefined)'); }); if (node.declarations.length !== 1) { state.append(node.declarations[node.declarations.length - 1], ')'); } } const variableIdentifiersToHoist = [ ['var', []], ['let', []], ]; function registerVariableDeclarationIdentifiers(node) { switch (node.type) { case 'Identifier': ArrayPrototypePush( variableIdentifiersToHoist[variableKind === 'var' ? 0 : 1][1], ); break; case 'ObjectPattern': ArrayPrototypeForEach(, (property) => { registerVariableDeclarationIdentifiers(property.value); }); break; case 'ArrayPattern': ArrayPrototypeForEach(node.elements, (element) => { registerVariableDeclarationIdentifiers(element); }); break; } } ArrayPrototypeForEach(node.declarations, (decl) => { registerVariableDeclarationIdentifiers(; }); ArrayPrototypeForEach( variableIdentifiersToHoist, ({ 0: kind, 1: identifiers }) => { if (identifiers.length > 0) { ArrayPrototypePush( state.hoistedDeclarationStatements, `${kind} ${ArrayPrototypeJoin(identifiers, ', ')}; ` ); } } ); } walk.base.VariableDeclaration(node, state, c); } }; const visitors = {}; for (const nodeType of ObjectKeys(walk.base)) { const callback = visitorsWithoutAncestors[nodeType] || walk.base[nodeType]; visitors[nodeType] = (node, state, c) => { const isNew = node !== state.ancestors[state.ancestors.length - 1]; if (isNew) { ArrayPrototypePush(state.ancestors, node); } callback(node, state, c); if (isNew) { ArrayPrototypePop(state.ancestors); } }; } function processTopLevelAwait(src) { const wrapPrefix = '(async () => { '; const wrapped = `${wrapPrefix}${src} })()`; const wrappedArray = ArrayFrom(wrapped); let root; try { root = parser.parse(wrapped, { ecmaVersion: 'latest' }); } catch (e) { if (StringPrototypeStartsWith(e.message, 'Unterminated ')) throw new Recoverable(e); // If the parse error is before the first "await", then use the execution // error. Otherwise we must emit this parse error, making it look like a // proper syntax error. const awaitPos = StringPrototypeIndexOf(src, 'await'); const errPos = e.pos - wrapPrefix.length; if (awaitPos > errPos) return null; // Convert keyword parse errors on await into their original errors when // possible. if (errPos === awaitPos + 6 && StringPrototypeIncludes(e.message, 'Expecting Unicode escape sequence')) return null; if (errPos === awaitPos + 7 && StringPrototypeIncludes(e.message, 'Unexpected token')) return null; const line = e.loc.line; const column = line === 1 ? e.loc.column - wrapPrefix.length : e.loc.column; let message = '\n' + StringPrototypeSplit(src, '\n')[line - 1] + '\n' + StringPrototypeRepeat(' ', column) + '^\n\n' + RegExpPrototypeSymbolReplace(/ \([^)]+\)/, e.message, ''); // V8 unexpected token errors include the token string. if (StringPrototypeEndsWith(message, 'Unexpected token')) message += " '" + // Wrapper end may cause acorn to report error position after the source ((src.length - 1) >= (e.pos - wrapPrefix.length) ? src[e.pos - wrapPrefix.length] : src[src.length - 1]) + "'"; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax throw new SyntaxError(message); } const body = root.body[0].expression.callee.body; const state = { body, ancestors: [], hoistedDeclarationStatements: [], replace(from, to, str) { for (let i = from; i < to; i++) { wrappedArray[i] = ''; } if (from === to) str += wrappedArray[from]; wrappedArray[from] = str; }, prepend(node, str) { wrappedArray[node.start] = str + wrappedArray[node.start]; }, append(node, str) { wrappedArray[node.end - 1] += str; }, containsAwait: false, containsReturn: false }; walk.recursive(body, state, visitors); // Do not transform if // 1. False alarm: there isn't actually an await expression. // 2. There is a top-level return, which is not allowed. if (!state.containsAwait || state.containsReturn) { return null; } const last = body.body[body.body.length - 1]; if (last.type === 'ExpressionStatement') { // For an expression statement of the form // ( expr ) ; // ^^^^^^^^^^ // last // ^^^^ // last.expression // // We do not want the left parenthesis before the `return` keyword; // therefore we prepend the `return (` to `last`. // // On the other hand, we do not want the right parenthesis after the // semicolon. Since there can only be more right parentheses between // last.expression.end and the semicolon, appending one more to // last.expression should be fine. state.prepend(last, 'return ('); state.append(last.expression, ')'); } return ( ArrayPrototypeJoin(state.hoistedDeclarationStatements, '') + ArrayPrototypeJoin(wrappedArray, '') ); } module.exports = { processTopLevelAwait };