Notion MCP Server

var __defProp = Object.defineProperty, __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value }) : obj[key] = value, __publicField = (obj, key, value) => __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key != "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); class ParseError extends Error { constructor(message, options) { super(message), __publicField(this, "type"), __publicField(this, "field"), __publicField(this, "value"), __publicField(this, "line"), = "ParseError", this.type = options.type, this.field = options.field, this.value = options.value, this.line = options.line; } } function noop(_arg) { } function createParser(callbacks) { const { onEvent = noop, onError = noop, onRetry = noop, onComment } = callbacks; let incompleteLine = "", isFirstChunk = !0, id, data = "", eventType = ""; function feed(newChunk) { const chunk = isFirstChunk ? newChunk.replace(/^\xEF\xBB\xBF/, "") : newChunk, [complete, incomplete] = splitLines(`${incompleteLine}${chunk}`); for (const line of complete) parseLine(line); incompleteLine = incomplete, isFirstChunk = !1; } function parseLine(line) { if (line === "") { dispatchEvent(); return; } if (line.startsWith(":")) { onComment && onComment(line.slice(line.startsWith(": ") ? 2 : 1)); return; } const fieldSeparatorIndex = line.indexOf(":"); if (fieldSeparatorIndex !== -1) { const field = line.slice(0, fieldSeparatorIndex), offset = line[fieldSeparatorIndex + 1] === " " ? 2 : 1, value = line.slice(fieldSeparatorIndex + offset); processField(field, value, line); return; } processField(line, "", line); } function processField(field, value, line) { switch (field) { case "event": eventType = value; break; case "data": data = `${data}${value} `; break; case "id": id = value.includes("\0") ? void 0 : value; break; case "retry": /^\d+$/.test(value) ? onRetry(parseInt(value, 10)) : onError( new ParseError(`Invalid \`retry\` value: "${value}"`, { type: "invalid-retry", value, line }) ); break; default: onError( new ParseError( `Unknown field "${field.length > 20 ? `${field.slice(0, 20)}\u2026` : field}"`, { type: "unknown-field", field, value, line } ) ); break; } } function dispatchEvent() { data.length > 0 && onEvent({ id, event: eventType || void 0, // If the data buffer's last character is a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character, // then remove the last character from the data buffer. data: data.endsWith(` `) ? data.slice(0, -1) : data }), id = void 0, data = "", eventType = ""; } function reset(options = {}) { incompleteLine && options.consume && parseLine(incompleteLine), id = void 0, data = "", eventType = "", incompleteLine = ""; } return { feed, reset }; } function splitLines(chunk) { const lines = []; let incompleteLine = ""; const totalLength = chunk.length; for (let i = 0; i < totalLength; i++) { const char = chunk[i]; char === "\r" && chunk[i + 1] === ` ` ? (lines.push(incompleteLine), incompleteLine = "", i++) : char === "\r" || char === ` ` ? (lines.push(incompleteLine), incompleteLine = "") : incompleteLine += char; } return [lines, incompleteLine]; } export { ParseError, createParser }; //#