Notion MCP Server

  • dist
import { McpServer } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/mcp.js"; import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js"; import { Client } from "@notionhq/client"; import { z } from "zod"; import dotenv from "dotenv"; import path from "path"; import fs from "fs"; import axios from "axios"; import * as cheerio from "cheerio"; // Load environment variables from .env file try { // Try to find .env file in the current directory or parent directories const envPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), '.env'); if (fs.existsSync(envPath)) { dotenv.config({ path: envPath }); } } catch (error) { // Silently continue if .env file can't be loaded } // Get API key from environment or command line arguments const NOTION_API_KEY = process.env.NOTION_API_KEY || process.argv.find(arg => arg.startsWith('--notion-api-key='))?.split('=')[1]; if (!NOTION_API_KEY) { process.stderr.write("Error: NOTION_API_KEY not set. Please set it in .env file or pass as --notion-api-key=YOUR_KEY\n"); process.exit(1); } // Initialize Notion client const notion = new Client({ auth: NOTION_API_KEY }); // Create the MCP server const server = new McpServer({ name: "notion-server", version: "1.0.0" }); // Tool: Search Notion server.tool("search-notion", { query: z.string() }, async ({ query }) => { try { const results = await{ query, sort: { direction: "descending", timestamp: "last_edited_time" }, }); // Format the results nicely const formattedResults = => { // Safely extract title based on the item type let title = "Untitled"; if (item.object === "page" && { // Try to find title in various typical properties const titleProp = ||; if (titleProp?.title?.[0]?.plain_text) { title = titleProp.title[0].plain_text; } } return { id:, title, url: item.url || "", type: item.object, last_edited: item.last_edited_time }; }); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(formattedResults, null, 2) }] }; } catch (error) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Error searching Notion: ${error.message}` }], isError: true }; } }); // Tool: Get Notion Page server.tool("get-page", { pageId: z.string() }, async ({ pageId }) => { try { // Get the page const page = await notion.pages.retrieve({ page_id: pageId }); // Get page blocks (content) const blocks = await notion.blocks.children.list({ block_id: pageId }); // Extract text from blocks const content = => { if (block.type === 'paragraph') { return => text.plain_text).join(''); } if (block.type === 'heading_1') { return `# ${ => text.plain_text).join('')}`; } if (block.type === 'heading_2') { return `## ${ => text.plain_text).join('')}`; } if (block.type === 'heading_3') { return `### ${ => text.plain_text).join('')}`; } if (block.type === 'bulleted_list_item') { return `ā€¢ ${ => text.plain_text).join('')}`; } if (block.type === 'numbered_list_item') { return `1. ${ => text.plain_text).join('')}`; } return ''; }).filter(Boolean).join('\n\n'); // Safely extract title from page let titleText = 'Untitled'; // Type assertion to access properties as any const pageAny = page; if ( { // Find the first property that's a title const titleProp = Object.values( => prop.type === 'title'); if (titleProp?.title?.[0]?.plain_text) { titleText = titleProp.title[0].plain_text; } } return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `# ${titleText}\n\n${content}` }] }; } catch (error) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Error retrieving page: ${error.message}` }], isError: true }; } }); // Tool: Create a Notion page server.tool("create-page", { parentId: z.string().optional(), title: z.string(), content: z.string() }, async ({ parentId, title, content }) => { try { // Set parent according to Notion API requirements const parent = parentId ? { page_id: parentId, type: "page_id" } : { database_id: process.env.NOTION_DATABASE_ID || "", type: "database_id" }; // If no parent ID and no database ID, error out with instructions if (!parentId && !process.env.NOTION_DATABASE_ID) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Error: To create a page, you must either provide a parentId or set NOTION_DATABASE_ID in your .env file.` }], isError: true }; } const response = await notion.pages.create({ parent, properties: { title: { title: [{ text: { content: title } }] } }, children: [ { object: "block", type: "paragraph", paragraph: { rich_text: [{ type: "text", text: { content } }] } } ] }); // Use id directly since url property might not be available in all response types return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Page created successfully!\nTitle: ${title}\nID: ${}` }] }; } catch (error) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Error creating page: ${error.message}` }], isError: true }; } }); // Tool: Update a Notion page server.tool("update-page", { pageId: z.string(), title: z.string().optional(), content: z.string() }, async ({ pageId, title, content }) => { try { // Update page properties (title) if provided if (title) { await notion.pages.update({ page_id: pageId, properties: { title: { title: [{ text: { content: title } }] } } }); } // Add new content as a paragraph block await notion.blocks.children.append({ block_id: pageId, children: [ { object: "block", type: "paragraph", paragraph: { rich_text: [{ type: "text", text: { content } }] } } ] }); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Page updated successfully!\nID: ${pageId}${title ? `\nTitle: ${title}` : ''}` }] }; } catch (error) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Error updating page: ${error.message}` }], isError: true }; } }); // Tool: Create a Notion database server.tool("create-database", { parentPageId: z.string(), title: z.string(), properties: z.record(z.any()) }, async ({ parentPageId, title, properties }) => { try { const response = await notion.databases.create({ parent: { type: "page_id", page_id: parentPageId }, title: [ { type: "text", text: { content: title } } ], properties: properties }); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Database created successfully!\nTitle: ${title}\nID: ${}` }] }; } catch (error) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Error creating database: ${error.message}` }], isError: true }; } }); // Tool: Query a Notion database server.tool("query-database", { databaseId: z.string(), filter: z.any().optional(), sort: z.any().optional() }, async ({ databaseId, filter, sort }) => { try { // Prepare query parameters const queryParams = { database_id: databaseId }; // Add filter if provided if (filter) { queryParams.filter = filter; } // Add sort if provided if (sort) { queryParams.sorts = sort; } // Query the database const response = await notion.databases.query(queryParams); // Format the results const formattedResults = => { // Extract properties in a more readable format const formattedProperties = {}; Object.entries([key, value]) => { // Handle different property types switch (value.type) { case 'title': formattedProperties[key] = => t.plain_text).join(''); break; case 'rich_text': formattedProperties[key] = => t.plain_text).join(''); break; case 'number': formattedProperties[key] = value.number; break; case 'select': formattedProperties[key] = || null; break; case 'multi_select': formattedProperties[key] = =>; break; case 'date': formattedProperties[key] = || null; break; case 'checkbox': formattedProperties[key] = value.checkbox; break; case 'url': formattedProperties[key] = value.url; break; case 'email': formattedProperties[key] =; break; case 'phone_number': formattedProperties[key] = value.phone_number; break; default: formattedProperties[key] = 'Unsupported property type: ' + value.type; } }); return { id:, properties: formattedProperties }; }); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(formattedResults, null, 2) }] }; } catch (error) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Error querying database: ${error.message}` }], isError: true }; } }); // Tool: Update a database entry server.tool("update-database-entry", { pageId: z.string(), properties: z.record(z.any()) }, async ({ pageId, properties }) => { try { // Update the page properties (database entry) const response = await notion.pages.update({ page_id: pageId, properties: properties }); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Database entry updated successfully!\nID: ${}` }] }; } catch (error) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Error updating database entry: ${error.message}` }], isError: true }; } }); // Tool: Create a database row (entry) server.tool("create-database-row", { databaseId: z.string(), properties: z.record(z.any()) }, async ({ databaseId, properties }) => { try { // Create a new page (row) in the database const response = await notion.pages.create({ parent: { database_id: databaseId, type: "database_id" }, properties: properties }); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Database row created successfully!\nID: ${}` }] }; } catch (error) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Error creating database row: ${error.message}` }], isError: true }; } }); // Tool: Extract metadata from URLs in a database server.tool("extract-url-metadata", { databaseId: z.string(), urlPropertyName: z.string().optional(), publicationPropertyName: z.string().optional(), authorPropertyName: z.string().optional(), datePropertyName: z.string().optional(), summaryPropertyName: z.string().optional(), batchSize: z.number().default(5), limit: z.number().default(50), generateSummary: z.boolean().default(true), silentErrors: z.boolean().default(true) }, async ({ databaseId, urlPropertyName, publicationPropertyName, authorPropertyName, datePropertyName, summaryPropertyName, batchSize, limit, generateSummary, silentErrors }) => { try { // First retrieve database to get property types const databaseInfo = await notion.databases.retrieve({ database_id: databaseId }); // Get all available property names and types const propertyInfoMap = || {}; // Auto-detect or use specified property names const urlPropertyName2 = urlPropertyName || findMatchingProperty(propertyInfoMap, [ "URL", "Link", "Website", "Address", "Source Link" ]); const publicationProperty = publicationPropertyName || findMatchingProperty(propertyInfoMap, [ "Publication", "Publisher", "Source", "Site", "Website Name", "Origin" ]); const authorProperty = authorPropertyName || findMatchingProperty(propertyInfoMap, [ "Author", "Author(s)", "Writer", "Creator", "By" ]); const dateProperty = datePropertyName || findMatchingProperty(propertyInfoMap, [ "Date", "Published", "Published Date", "Publish Date", "Release Date", "Post Date" ]); const summaryProperty = summaryPropertyName || findMatchingProperty(propertyInfoMap, [ "Summary", "Article Summary", "TLDR", "Description", "Brief" ]); // Get property types for the detected properties const publicationPropertyType = getPropertyType(propertyInfoMap, publicationProperty); const authorPropertyType = getPropertyType(propertyInfoMap, authorProperty); const datePropertyType = getPropertyType(propertyInfoMap, dateProperty); const summaryPropertyType = getPropertyType(propertyInfoMap, summaryProperty); // Query the database to get rows with URLs const response = await notion.databases.query({ database_id: databaseId, page_size: limit }); const results = []; let successCount = 0; let failureCount = 0; // Log the property mapping being used results.push(`Using field mapping: - URLs: "${urlPropertyName2}" (${getPropertyType(propertyInfoMap, urlPropertyName2)}) - Publication: "${publicationProperty}" (${publicationPropertyType}) - Author: "${authorProperty}" (${authorPropertyType}) - Date: "${dateProperty}" (${datePropertyType}) - Summary: "${summaryProperty}" (${summaryPropertyType})`); // Process rows in batches for (let i = 0; i < response.results.length; i += batchSize) { const batch = response.results.slice(i, i + batchSize); // Process each row in the batch concurrently const batchPromises = (page) => { try { // Extract URL from the specified property const urlPropertyValue =[urlPropertyName2]; let url = null; // Handle different property types that could contain URLs if (urlPropertyValue?.type === 'url' && urlPropertyValue.url) { url = urlPropertyValue.url; } else if (urlPropertyValue?.type === 'rich_text' && urlPropertyValue.rich_text.length > 0) { url = urlPropertyValue.rich_text[0]?.plain_text; } else if (urlPropertyValue?.type === 'title' && urlPropertyValue.title.length > 0) { url = urlPropertyValue.title[0]?.plain_text; } if (!url || !url.startsWith('http')) { return `Row ${}: No valid URL found in property "${urlPropertyName2}"`; } // Fetch and extract metadata const metadata = await extractMetadataFromUrl(url); // Update the row with extracted metadata const properties = {}; // Handle publication based on property type if (metadata.publication && publicationPropertyType) { try { if (publicationPropertyType === 'select') { properties[publicationProperty] = createSelectProperty(metadata.publication); } else if (publicationPropertyType === 'rich_text') { properties[publicationProperty] = createRichTextProperty(metadata.publication); } else if (publicationPropertyType === 'title') { properties[publicationProperty] = createTitleProperty(metadata.publication); } } catch (err) { if (!silentErrors) { return `Row ${}: Error setting ${publicationProperty} property: ${err.message}`; } } } // Handle author based on property type if ( && authorPropertyType) { try { if (authorPropertyType === 'multi_select') { properties[authorProperty] = createMultiSelectProperty(parseAuthors(; } else if (authorPropertyType === 'select') { properties[authorProperty] = createSelectProperty(; } else if (authorPropertyType === 'rich_text') { properties[authorProperty] = createRichTextProperty(; } } catch (err) { if (!silentErrors) { return `Row ${}: Error setting ${authorProperty} property: ${err.message}`; } } } // Handle date based on property type if ( && datePropertyType === 'date') { try { properties[dateProperty] = createDateProperty(; } catch (err) { if (!silentErrors) { return `Row ${}: Error setting ${dateProperty} property: ${err.message}`; } } } // Get content for page update and summary generation let content = metadata.content || ''; let summary = ''; // Generate summary using extracted content if (content && generateSummary && summaryPropertyType) { try { // For now, use a simple summarization method summary = createSimpleSummary(content); // Add summary to properties based on property type if (summaryPropertyType === 'rich_text') { properties[summaryProperty] = createRichTextProperty(summary); } else if (summaryPropertyType === 'select') { properties[summaryProperty] = createSelectProperty(summary); } else if (summaryPropertyType === 'multi_select') { properties[summaryProperty] = createMultiSelectProperty([summary]); } } catch (err) { if (!silentErrors) { return `Row ${}: Error setting ${summaryProperty} property: ${err.message}`; } } } // Update the page properties if we have any to update if (Object.keys(properties).length > 0) { try { await notion.pages.update({ page_id:, properties: properties }); } catch (err) { if (!silentErrors) { return `Row ${}: Error updating properties: ${err.message}`; } // If we fail to update properties, we'll still try to update content } } // Update the page content if we have content and it's not already in the page if (content) { try { // Get existing blocks const blocks = await notion.blocks.children.list({ block_id: }); // Only update if there are no blocks or fewer than 3 (assuming just a title) if (blocks.results.length < 3) { // Create content blocks (paragraphs) const contentBlocks = createContentBlocks(content); await notion.blocks.children.append({ block_id:, children: contentBlocks }); } } catch (err) { if (!silentErrors) { return `Row ${}: Error updating content: ${err.message}`; } } } successCount++; return `Row ${}: Successfully extracted metadata from ${url}`; } catch (error) { failureCount++; return `Row ${}: Failed to extract metadata - ${silentErrors ? 'Error occurred' : error.message}`; } }); // Wait for all pages in the batch to be processed const batchResults = await Promise.all(batchPromises); results.push(...batchResults); // Add a small delay between batches to avoid rate limiting if (i + batchSize < response.results.length) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); } } return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Processed ${successCount + failureCount} URLs\n${successCount} successful\n${failureCount} failed\n\nDetails:\n${results.join('\n')}` }] }; } catch (error) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Error extracting metadata: ${error.message}` }], isError: true }; } }); // Tool: Add an article to a database server.tool("add-article", { url: z.string().url(), databaseId: z.string(), generateSummary: z.boolean().default(true) }, async ({ url, databaseId, generateSummary }) => { try { // First retrieve database to get property types const databaseInfo = await notion.databases.retrieve({ database_id: databaseId }); // Get all available property types const propertyInfoMap = || {}; // Auto-detect property names const urlPropertyName = findMatchingProperty(propertyInfoMap, [ "URL", "Link", "Website", "Address", "Source Link" ]); const titlePropertyName = findMatchingProperty(propertyInfoMap, [ "Title", "Name", "Article Title", "Headline", "Topic" ]); const publicationPropertyName = findMatchingProperty(propertyInfoMap, [ "Publication", "Publisher", "Source", "Site", "Website Name", "Origin" ]); const authorPropertyName = findMatchingProperty(propertyInfoMap, [ "Author", "Author(s)", "Writer", "Creator", "By" ]); const datePropertyName = findMatchingProperty(propertyInfoMap, [ "Date", "Published", "Published Date", "Publish Date", "Release Date", "Post Date" ]); const summaryPropertyName = findMatchingProperty(propertyInfoMap, [ "Summary", "Article Summary", "TLDR", "Description", "Brief" ]); // Get property types for the detected properties const titlePropertyType = getPropertyType(propertyInfoMap, titlePropertyName); const publicationPropertyType = getPropertyType(propertyInfoMap, publicationPropertyName); const authorPropertyType = getPropertyType(propertyInfoMap, authorPropertyName); const datePropertyType = getPropertyType(propertyInfoMap, datePropertyName); const summaryPropertyType = getPropertyType(propertyInfoMap, summaryPropertyName); const urlPropertyType = getPropertyType(propertyInfoMap, urlPropertyName); // Log the detected fields console.log(`Using field mapping: - Title: "${titlePropertyName}" (${titlePropertyType}) - URL: "${urlPropertyName}" (${urlPropertyType}) - Publication: "${publicationPropertyName}" (${publicationPropertyType}) - Author: "${authorPropertyName}" (${authorPropertyType}) - Date: "${datePropertyName}" (${datePropertyType}) - Summary: "${summaryPropertyName}" (${summaryPropertyType})`); // Extract metadata from the URL const metadata = await extractMetadataFromUrl(url); const { publication, author, date, content } = metadata; // Use the URL's title or domain as the article title if not extracted let title = ""; // Try to extract title from HTML try { const response = await axios.get(url, { headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36', }, timeout: 10000, maxRedirects: 5 }); const $ = cheerio.load(; title = $('title').text().trim() || $('meta[property="og:title"]').attr('content') || $('meta[name="twitter:title"]').attr('content') || new URL(url).hostname; } catch (error) { // If we can't access the URL, use the domain as title try { title = new URL(url).hostname; } catch (e) { title = url; } } // Generate summary if needed let summary = ""; if (generateSummary && content) { // For now, use a simple summarization method summary = createSimpleSummary(content); } // Create the page properties const properties = {}; // Set the title property if (titlePropertyName && titlePropertyType) { if (titlePropertyType === 'title') { properties[titlePropertyName] = createTitleProperty(title); } else if (titlePropertyType === 'rich_text') { properties[titlePropertyName] = createRichTextProperty(title); } } // Set the URL property if (urlPropertyName && urlPropertyType) { if (urlPropertyType === 'url') { properties[urlPropertyName] = { url }; } else if (urlPropertyType === 'rich_text') { properties[urlPropertyName] = createRichTextProperty(url); } } // Set the publication property if (publicationPropertyName && publicationPropertyType && publication) { if (publicationPropertyType === 'select') { properties[publicationPropertyName] = createSelectProperty(publication); } else if (publicationPropertyType === 'rich_text') { properties[publicationPropertyName] = createRichTextProperty(publication); } else if (publicationPropertyType === 'title') { properties[publicationPropertyName] = createTitleProperty(publication); } } // Set the author property if (authorPropertyName && authorPropertyType && author) { if (authorPropertyType === 'multi_select') { properties[authorPropertyName] = createMultiSelectProperty(parseAuthors(author)); } else if (authorPropertyType === 'select') { properties[authorPropertyName] = createSelectProperty(author); } else if (authorPropertyType === 'rich_text') { properties[authorPropertyName] = createRichTextProperty(author); } } // Set the date property if (datePropertyName && datePropertyType === 'date' && date) { properties[datePropertyName] = createDateProperty(date); } // Set the summary property if (summaryPropertyName && summaryPropertyType && summary) { if (summaryPropertyType === 'rich_text') { properties[summaryPropertyName] = createRichTextProperty(summary); } else if (summaryPropertyType === 'select') { properties[summaryPropertyName] = createSelectProperty(summary); } else if (summaryPropertyType === 'multi_select') { properties[summaryPropertyName] = createMultiSelectProperty([summary]); } } // Create the page in Notion const response = await notion.pages.create({ parent: { database_id: databaseId }, properties: properties }); // Add content blocks if we have content if (content && { try { // Create content blocks (paragraphs) const contentBlocks = createContentBlocks(content); await notion.blocks.children.append({ block_id:, children: contentBlocks }); } catch (err) { console.error(`Error updating content: ${err.message}`); } } // Return success with extracted fields return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `āœ… Article added to your database!\n\n` + `šŸ”— URL: ${url}\n` + `šŸ“ Title: ${title}\n` + (publication ? `šŸ“° Publication: ${publication}\n` : '') + (author ? `āœļø Author: ${author}\n` : '') + (date ? `šŸ“… Date: ${date}\n` : '') + (summary ? `\nšŸ“Œ Summary: ${summary}` : '') }] }; } catch (error) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Error adding article: ${error.message}` }], isError: true }; } }); // Helper function to find a matching property from available properties function findMatchingProperty(propertyInfoMap, possibleNames) { const availableProperties = Object.keys(propertyInfoMap); // First try exact match for (const name of possibleNames) { if (availableProperties.includes(name)) { return name; } } // Then try case-insensitive match for (const name of possibleNames) { const match = availableProperties.find(prop => prop.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()); if (match) { return match; } } // Then try partial match (contains) for (const name of possibleNames) { const match = availableProperties.find(prop => prop.toLowerCase().includes(name.toLowerCase()) || name.toLowerCase().includes(prop.toLowerCase())); if (match) { return match; } } // Default to the first possible name if no match found return possibleNames[0]; } // Helper function to get property type function getPropertyType(propertyInfoMap, propertyName) { if (!propertyInfoMap[propertyName]) { return null; } return propertyInfoMap[propertyName].type; } // Helper function to create a rich text property function createRichTextProperty(text) { return { rich_text: [ { text: { content: text.substring(0, 2000) // Notion has a 2000 char limit } } ] }; } // Helper function to create a date property function createDateProperty(dateStr) { try { // Try to parse the date const date = new Date(dateStr); if (isNaN(date.getTime())) { return { date: null }; } return { date: { start: date.toISOString().split('T')[0] } }; } catch (error) { return { date: null }; } } // Helper function to create a select property function createSelectProperty(name) { return { select: { name: name.substring(0, 100) // Notion has a limit on select values } }; } // Helper function to create a multi-select property function createMultiSelectProperty(names) { return { multi_select: => ({ name: name.substring(0, 100) // Notion has a limit on select values })) }; } // Helper function to create a title property function createTitleProperty(text) { return { title: [ { text: { content: text } } ] }; } // Helper function to parse multiple authors function parseAuthors(authorText) { if (!authorText) return []; // Split by common separators const authors = authorText .split(/,|\band\b|&|;/) .map(author => author.trim()) .filter(author => author.length > 0); return authors.length > 0 ? authors : [authorText]; } // Helper function to create content blocks function createContentBlocks(content) { // Split content into paragraphs const paragraphs = content .split(/\n\n|\r\n\r\n/) .map(p => p.trim()) .filter(p => p.length > 0); // Create blocks for each paragraph (limit to ~15 paragraphs to avoid huge pages) return paragraphs.slice(0, 15).map(paragraph => ({ object: "block", type: "paragraph", paragraph: { rich_text: [{ type: "text", text: { content: paragraph } }] } })); } // Helper function to create a simple summary (first sentence or first 150 chars) function createSimpleSummary(content) { if (!content) return ''; // Try to get the first sentence const match = content.match(/^[^.!?]*[.!?]/); if (match && match[0]) { return match[0].trim(); } // Fallback to first X characters return content.substring(0, 150).trim() + (content.length > 150 ? '...' : ''); } // Helper function to extract metadata from a URL async function extractMetadataFromUrl(url) { // Fetch the webpage const response = await axios.get(url, { headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36', 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9' }, timeout: 10000, maxRedirects: 5 }); // Parse HTML const $ = cheerio.load(; // Extract metadata const publication = extractPublication($, url); const author = extractAuthor($); const date = extractDate($); const content = extractContent($); return { publication, author, date, content }; } // Helper function to find the main content area of an article function findMainContentArea($) { // Common selectors for main content areas in articles const contentSelectors = [ 'article', '[itemprop="articleBody"]', '.article-content', '.post-content', '.entry-content', '.story-body', '#article-body', '.content-body', 'main', '.main-content' ]; for (const selector of contentSelectors) { const element = $(selector).first(); if (element.length) { return element[0]; } } // If no main content area is found, return null return null; } // Helper function to sanitize JSON strings before parsing function sanitizeJsonString(jsonString) { try { // Remove potential HTML comments let cleaned = jsonString.replace(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g, ''); // Remove trailing commas in objects and arrays cleaned = cleaned.replace(/,\s*([\]}])/g, '$1'); // Fix unquoted property names cleaned = cleaned.replace(/([{,]\s*)([a-zA-Z0-9_$]+)\s*:/g, '$1"$2":'); // Handle single quotes instead of double quotes for strings // This is a simplistic approach and may not handle all cases correctly let inString = false; let inSingleQuoteString = false; let result = ''; for (let i = 0; i < cleaned.length; i++) { const char = cleaned[i]; const prevChar = i > 0 ? cleaned[i - 1] : ''; if (char === '"' && prevChar !== '\\') { inString = !inString; result += char; } else if (char === "'" && prevChar !== '\\' && !inString) { inSingleQuoteString = !inSingleQuoteString; result += '"'; // Replace single quote with double quote } else if (inSingleQuoteString && char === "'" && prevChar === '\\') { // Handle escaped single quote inside a single-quoted string result = result.slice(0, -1) + "\\'"; // Keep the escape and single quote } else { result += char; } } // Quick validation check - does it at least start with { or [ and end with } or ]? const trimmed = result.trim(); if ((trimmed.startsWith('{') && trimmed.endsWith('}')) || (trimmed.startsWith('[') && trimmed.endsWith(']'))) { return trimmed; } return null; // Signal that we couldn't clean it properly } catch (e) { return null; // Return null if any error occurs during cleaning } } // Helper function to extract author function extractAuthor($) { // Initialize with empty string instead of a default value let authorStr = ''; // Log extraction attempts for debugging const attempts = []; // Get the raw HTML once for validation later const rawHtml = $.html().toLowerCase(); // Check for site-specific extractors first const hostname = getHostnameFromHtml($); if (hostname) { // AP News specific extraction if (hostname.includes('')) { attempts.push(`Using AP News-specific extractor`); const authors = $('.Page-authors'); if (authors.length) { // Find all author links within the container const authorLinks = authors.find('a'); if (authorLinks.length) { const authorNames = []; authorLinks.each((i, el) => { const name = $(el).text().trim(); if (name) authorNames.push(name); }); if (authorNames.length) { authorStr = authorNames.join(', '); attempts.push(`AP News byline found: ${authorStr}`); return authorStr; } } } } // New York Times specific extraction if (hostname.includes('')) { attempts.push(`Using NYT-specific extractor`); // NYT typically has bylines with specific structure const nytByline = $('.byline-author, .last-byline, .css-1baulvz'); if (nytByline.length) { authorStr = nytByline.first().text().trim(); attempts.push(`NYT byline found: ${authorStr}`); } // Check for author in meta tags (NYT usually has this) if (!authorStr) { const metaAuthor = $('meta[name="byl"]').attr('content'); if (metaAuthor) { authorStr = metaAuthor.replace(/^by\s+/i, '').trim(); attempts.push(`NYT meta byl tag: ${authorStr}`); } } // If found through site-specific extractor and passes validation, return early if (authorStr && validateExtractedAuthor(authorStr, rawHtml)) { return authorStr; } } } // Look for common author container patterns first // This handles multiple authors in various structures const authorContainerSelectors = [ '.author-container', '.byline-container', '.article-authors', '.byline-wrapper', '.authors-container', '.authors-list', '.author-byline', '.meta-authors', '.page-authors', '.article__byline', '.c-byline', '.article-byline', '[data-testid="byline"]', '[data-component="byline"]', '.story-meta-authors', '.story-header__authors' ]; for (const containerSelector of authorContainerSelectors) { const container = $(containerSelector); if (container.length) { attempts.push(`Found author container: ${containerSelector}`); // Check for author links within the container const authorLinks = container.find('a[href*="author"], a[rel="author"],, a.writer-link'); if (authorLinks.length) { const authorNames = []; authorLinks.each((i, el) => { const name = $(el).text().trim(); if (name && name.length > 2) authorNames.push(name); }); if (authorNames.length) { authorStr = authorNames.join(', '); attempts.push(`Found multiple authors in links: ${authorStr}`); if (validateExtractedAuthor(authorStr, rawHtml)) { return authorStr; } } } // If no links found or validation failed, try container text const containerText = container.text().trim() .replace(/^by\s+|^byline:\s+|^author[s]?:\s+/i, '') .replace(/\s+and\s+/g, ', ') .replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ', ') .trim(); if (containerText && validateExtractedAuthor(containerText, rawHtml)) { authorStr = containerText; attempts.push(`Found authors from container text: ${authorStr}`); return authorStr; } } } // 1. Look for structured data in JSON-LD (highest confidence) const jsonLdScripts = $('script[type="application/ld+json"]'); if (jsonLdScripts.length) { jsonLdScripts.each((i, el) => { try { // Safely parse the JSON, with error handling const scriptContent = $(el).html() || ''; const cleanedJson = sanitizeJsonString(scriptContent); if (!cleanedJson) return; // Skip if we couldn't clean it const jsonLd = JSON.parse(cleanedJson); const author = extractAuthorFromJsonLd(jsonLd); if (author && validateExtractedAuthor(author, rawHtml)) { authorStr = author; attempts.push(`Found in JSON-LD: ${author}`); return false; // Break the loop } } catch (e) { // Silent catch - continue to next script } }); } if (authorStr) return authorStr; // 2. Look for main content area to limit our search scope const mainContent = findMainContentArea($); // Proper typing with 'as' const $scope = mainContent ? $(mainContent) : $('body'); // 3. Check for explicit multiple author patterns const multiAuthorPatterns = [ // Look for containers with multiple links { container: '.byline, .author, [itemprop="author"], .meta-authors', elements: 'a' }, // Look for specific author list patterns { container: '.authors-list, .article-authors, .byline-authors, .writer-names', elements: 'li,, span.writer,' } ]; for (const pattern of multiAuthorPatterns) { const container = $scope.find(pattern.container); if (container.length) { const elements = container.find(pattern.elements); if (elements.length > 1) { // We found multiple elements that might be authors const authorNames = []; elements.each((i, el) => { const text = $(el).text().trim() .replace(/^by\s+|^and\s+|^,\s*/i, '') .trim(); if (text && text.length > 2 && !/^(by|and|,)$/i.test(text)) { authorNames.push(text); } }); if (authorNames.length > 0) { authorStr = authorNames.join(', '); attempts.push(`Found multiple authors: ${authorStr}`); if (validateExtractedAuthor(authorStr, rawHtml)) { return authorStr; } } } } } // 4. Check for elements with rel="author" within main content first const relAuthor = $scope.find('[rel="author"]'); if (relAuthor.length > 1) { // Multiple authors with rel="author" const authorNames = []; relAuthor.each((i, el) => { const text = $(el).text().trim(); if (text) authorNames.push(text); }); if (authorNames.length > 0) { authorStr = authorNames.join(', '); attempts.push(`Found multiple rel="author": ${authorStr}`); if (validateExtractedAuthor(authorStr, rawHtml)) { return authorStr; } } } else if (relAuthor.length === 1) { const text = relAuthor.text().trim(); if (validateExtractedAuthor(text, rawHtml)) { authorStr = text; attempts.push(`Found rel="author": ${authorStr}`); } } if (!authorStr) { // 5. Look for common author/byline classes within main content const authorSelectors = [ '.author', '.byline', '.byline-author', '.article-author', '.post-author', '[itemprop="author"]', '.writer', '.contributor', '.c-byline__author', '.story-meta__authors', '.author-name', '.article__author', '.bio-name', '.writer-name', '.entry-author' ]; for (const selector of authorSelectors) { const element = $scope.find(selector).first(); if (element.length) { const text = element.text().trim(); // Ensure this isn't just "by" or too short to be a real name if (text && text.length > 3 && !/^by\s*$/i.test(text)) { // Process for multiple authors const processedText = text .replace(/^by\s+|^byline:\s+|^author[s]?:\s+/i, '') .replace(/\s+and\s+/g, ', ') .replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ', ') .trim(); if (validateExtractedAuthor(processedText, rawHtml)) { authorStr = processedText; attempts.push(`Found ${selector}: ${processedText}`); break; } } } } } if (!authorStr) { // 6. Look for "by" pattern in text const byPattern = /(?:by|writer|author|written by)[:\s]+([A-Z][a-z]+(?:\s+[A-Z][a-z]+)+(?:\s+and\s+[A-Z][a-z]+(?:\s+[A-Z][a-z]+)+)*)/i; const articleText = $scope.text(); const byMatch = articleText.match(byPattern); if (byMatch && byMatch[1]) { const text = byMatch[1].trim() .replace(/\s+and\s+/g, ', '); if (validateExtractedAuthor(text, rawHtml)) { authorStr = text; attempts.push(`Found by-pattern: ${authorStr}`); } } } // 7. If we still don't have an author, try with meta tags (lower confidence) if (!authorStr) { // Try meta tags last (can sometimes have wrong info) const metaAuthor = $('meta[name="author"]').attr('content') || $('meta[property="article:author"]').attr('content') || $('meta[property="og:author"]').attr('content'); if (metaAuthor && validateExtractedAuthor(metaAuthor, rawHtml)) { authorStr = metaAuthor; attempts.push(`Found in meta tags: ${metaAuthor}`); } } // Clean up the result if (authorStr) { // Remove "By" prefix if present authorStr = authorStr.replace(/^(by|written by|author:)\s+/i, ''); // Remove any excess whitespace authorStr = authorStr.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim(); } // console.log(`Author extraction attempts: ${attempts.join(', ')}`); return authorStr; } // Helper function to validate that an extracted author actually exists in the HTML function validateExtractedAuthor(author, rawHtml) { if (!author || author.length < 4) return false; // Check if this looks like a list of authors const isMultipleAuthors = author.includes(',') || author.includes(' and '); // Clean up the author string for validation const cleanAuthor = author .replace(/^by\s+/i, '') // Remove "By" prefix .replace(/\s+/g, ' ') // Normalize spaces .trim() .toLowerCase(); // Handle multiple authors case if (isMultipleAuthors) { // Split by commas and " and " const authorList = cleanAuthor.split(/,\s*|\s+and\s+/); let validAuthorsCount = 0; for (const singleAuthor of authorList) { if (singleAuthor.length < 4) continue; // Skip very short segments // For each author, check if it appears in the HTML if (singleAuthor.includes(' ')) { // Author with first and last name const nameParts = singleAuthor.split(' '); // For short first/last names, require both parts to be present if (nameParts.length === 2 && nameParts[0].length <= 3 && nameParts[1].length <= 3) { const combinedPattern = nameParts.join('\\s+'); if (new RegExp(combinedPattern, 'i').test(rawHtml)) { validAuthorsCount++; continue; } } // Count how many significant parts are found let foundPartsCount = 0; for (const part of nameParts) { if (part.length >= 4 && rawHtml.includes(part)) { foundPartsCount++; } } // Consider valid if at least half of significant parts are found const significantParts = nameParts.filter(part => part.length >= 4).length; if (significantParts > 0 && foundPartsCount >= Math.ceil(significantParts * 0.5)) { validAuthorsCount++; } } else { // Single name author (rare but possible) if (singleAuthor.length >= 5 && rawHtml.includes(singleAuthor)) { validAuthorsCount++; } } } // Consider the author list valid if at least half the authors were found return validAuthorsCount >= Math.ceil(authorList.length * 0.5); } // Single author case - same logic as before // Names are usually at least two words if (!cleanAuthor.includes(' ')) return false; // Check for presence in raw HTML // Split the author into parts to handle different formatting const nameParts = cleanAuthor.split(' '); // For short first/last names, require both parts to be present if (nameParts.length === 2 && nameParts[0].length <= 3 && nameParts[1].length <= 3) { const combinedPattern = nameParts.join('\\s+'); return new RegExp(combinedPattern, 'i').test(rawHtml); } // For longer names, check if they appear near each other let foundCount = 0; for (const part of nameParts) { // Only validate parts that are at least 4 characters to avoid false positives if (part.length >= 4) { if (rawHtml.includes(part)) { foundCount++; } } } // Require at least 50% of the significant name parts to be found const significantParts = nameParts.filter(part => part.length >= 4).length; return significantParts > 0 && foundCount >= Math.ceil(significantParts * 0.5); } // Helper function to extract hostname from HTML function getHostnameFromHtml($) { // Try to get the hostname from canonical link const canonical = $('link[rel="canonical"]').attr('href'); if (canonical) { try { return new URL(canonical).hostname; } catch (e) { // Invalid URL, continue } } // Try to get from og:url const ogUrl = $('meta[property="og:url"]').attr('content'); if (ogUrl) { try { return new URL(ogUrl).hostname; } catch (e) { // Invalid URL, continue } } // No hostname found return ''; } // Helper function to extract date function extractDate($) { // Initialize with empty string instead of a default value let dateStr = ''; // Log extraction attempts for debugging const attempts = []; // 1. Look for structured data in JSON-LD (highest confidence) const jsonLdScripts = $('script[type="application/ld+json"]'); if (jsonLdScripts.length) { jsonLdScripts.each((i, el) => { try { // Safely parse the JSON, with error handling const scriptContent = $(el).html() || ''; const cleanedJson = sanitizeJsonString(scriptContent); if (!cleanedJson) return; // Skip if we couldn't clean it const jsonLd = JSON.parse(cleanedJson); const date = extractDateFromJsonLd(jsonLd); if (date) { dateStr = date; attempts.push(`Found in JSON-LD: ${date}`); return false; // Break the loop } } catch (e) { // Silent catch - continue to next script } }); } if (dateStr) return dateStr; // 2. Find the main content area to limit our search scope const mainContent = findMainContentArea($); // Proper typing with 'as' const $scope = mainContent ? $(mainContent) : $('body'); // 3. Look for the author/byline area as dates are often nearby const authorArea = $scope.find('.author, .byline, [rel="author"], .meta, .article-meta, .post-meta').first(); const dateArea = authorArea.length ? authorArea.parent() : $scope; // 4. Find published dates near the author/byline area first const timeSelectors = [ 'time[datetime]', '[itemprop="datePublished"]', '.published-date', '.publish-date', '.post-date', '.article-date', '.date', '.timestamp' ]; for (const selector of timeSelectors) { const element = dateArea.find(selector).first(); if (element.length) { // Prioritize datetime attribute if available const datetime = element.attr('datetime') || element.attr('content'); if (datetime && isValidDate(datetime)) { dateStr = datetime; attempts.push(`Found near author ${selector} with datetime: ${dateStr}`); break; } // Otherwise use the text content const text = element.text().trim(); if (text && text.length > 5) { // Try to parse the text as a date const parsedDate = parseLooseDate(text); if (parsedDate) { dateStr = parsedDate; attempts.push(`Found near author ${selector} with text: ${text} -> ${dateStr}`); break; } } } } // 5. If no date found near author, look in the whole scope if (!dateStr) { for (const selector of timeSelectors) { const element = $scope.find(selector).first(); if (element.length) { // Prioritize datetime attribute if available const datetime = element.attr('datetime') || element.attr('content'); if (datetime && isValidDate(datetime)) { dateStr = datetime; attempts.push(`Found in content ${selector} with datetime: ${dateStr}`); break; } // Otherwise use the text content const text = element.text().trim(); if (text && text.length > 5) { // Ignore if it contains "updated" or "modified" if (!/updated|modified/i.test(text)) { const parsedDate = parseLooseDate(text); if (parsedDate) { dateStr = parsedDate; attempts.push(`Found in content ${selector} with text: ${text} -> ${dateStr}`); break; } } } } } } // 6. If still no date, check meta tags if (!dateStr) { // Meta tags in order of reliability const metaSelectors = [ 'meta[property="article:published_time"]', 'meta[itemprop="datePublished"]', 'meta[name="pubdate"]', 'meta[name="publishdate"]', 'meta[name="date"]', 'meta[property="og:published_time"]' ]; for (const selector of metaSelectors) { const element = $(selector); if (element.length) { const content = element.attr('content'); if (content && isValidDate(content)) { dateStr = content; attempts.push(`Found in ${selector}: ${content}`); break; } } } } // 7. Last resort: search for date patterns in text near the top of the article if (!dateStr) { // Get the first few paragraphs of text const topText = $scope.find('p').slice(0, 3).text(); const parsedDate = parseLooseDate(topText); if (parsedDate) { dateStr = parsedDate; attempts.push(`Found date pattern in top paragraphs: ${dateStr}`); } } // console.log(`Date extraction attempts: ${attempts.join(', ')}`); return dateStr; } // Helper function to extract date from JSON-LD function extractDateFromJsonLd(jsonLd) { // Handle array of JSON-LD objects if (Array.isArray(jsonLd)) { for (const item of jsonLd) { const date = extractDateFromJsonLd(item); if (date) return date; } return ''; } // Check different date fields in order of preference const dateFields = [ 'datePublished', 'dateCreated', 'dateModified', 'publishedDate', 'datePosted' ]; for (const field of dateFields) { if (jsonLd?.[field]) { return jsonLd[field]; } } return ''; } // Helper function to validate a date string function isValidDate(dateStr) { try { const date = new Date(dateStr); // Check if it's a valid date and within a reasonable range (1995 to present) return !isNaN(date.getTime()) && date.getFullYear() >= 1995 && date.getFullYear() <= new Date().getFullYear(); } catch (e) { return false; } } // Helper function to parse dates in various formats function parseLooseDate(text) { // First try direct parsing if (isValidDate(text)) { return text; } // Try to extract a date using common patterns const monthNames = ['january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may', 'june', 'july', 'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december']; const shortMonthNames = ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec']; // Pattern: Month DD, YYYY (e.g., "January 1, 2020" or "Jan 1, 2020") const pattern1 = new RegExp(`(${monthNames.join('|')}|${shortMonthNames.join('|')})\\.?\\s+(\\d{1,2})(?:st|nd|rd|th)?,\\s+(\\d{4})`, 'i'); // Pattern: DD Month YYYY (e.g., "1 January 2020" or "1 Jan 2020") const pattern2 = new RegExp(`(\\d{1,2})(?:st|nd|rd|th)?\\s+(${monthNames.join('|')}|${shortMonthNames.join('|')})\\.?\\s+(\\d{4})`, 'i'); // Pattern: YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY const pattern3 = /(\d{4})[-\/](\d{1,2})[-\/](\d{1,2})|(\d{1,2})[-\/](\d{1,2})[-\/](\d{4})/; let match; // Try pattern 1: Month DD, YYYY match = text.match(pattern1); if (match) { const month = match[1].toLowerCase(); let monthNum; if (month.length <= 3) { monthNum = shortMonthNames.findIndex(m => m === month) + 1; } else { monthNum = monthNames.findIndex(m => m === month) + 1; } if (monthNum === 0) monthNum = 1; // Default to January if not found const day = parseInt(match[2], 10); const year = parseInt(match[3], 10); return `${year}-${monthNum.toString().padStart(2, '0')}-${day.toString().padStart(2, '0')}`; } // Try pattern 2: DD Month YYYY match = text.match(pattern2); if (match) { const day = parseInt(match[1], 10); const month = match[2].toLowerCase(); const year = parseInt(match[3], 10); let monthNum; if (month.length <= 3) { monthNum = shortMonthNames.findIndex(m => m === month) + 1; } else { monthNum = monthNames.findIndex(m => m === month) + 1; } if (monthNum === 0) monthNum = 1; // Default to January if not found return `${year}-${monthNum.toString().padStart(2, '0')}-${day.toString().padStart(2, '0')}`; } // Try pattern 3: YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY match = text.match(pattern3); if (match) { if (match[1]) { // YYYY-MM-DD const year = parseInt(match[1], 10); const month = parseInt(match[2], 10); const day = parseInt(match[3], 10); return `${year}-${month.toString().padStart(2, '0')}-${day.toString().padStart(2, '0')}`; } else { // MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY const year = parseInt(match[6], 10); const part1 = parseInt(match[4], 10); const part2 = parseInt(match[5], 10); // Heuristic: if part1 > 12, it's likely DD/MM/YYYY, otherwise assume MM/DD/YYYY if (part1 > 12) { return `${year}-${part2.toString().padStart(2, '0')}-${part1.toString().padStart(2, '0')}`; } else { return `${year}-${part1.toString().padStart(2, '0')}-${part2.toString().padStart(2, '0')}`; } } } return null; } // Helper function to extract publication name function extractPublication($, url) { // Log extraction attempts for debugging const attempts = []; // Try Open Graph site_name (highest confidence) const ogSiteName = $('meta[property="og:site_name"]').attr('content'); if (ogSiteName) { attempts.push(`og:site_name: "${ogSiteName}"`); return ogSiteName; } // Try JSON-LD for publisher name (high confidence) const jsonLdScripts = $('script[type="application/ld+json"]'); if (jsonLdScripts.length) { let publisher = ''; jsonLdScripts.each((i, el) => { try { // Safely parse the JSON, with error handling const scriptContent = $(el).html() || ''; const cleanedJson = sanitizeJsonString(scriptContent); if (!cleanedJson) return; // Skip if we couldn't clean it const jsonLd = JSON.parse(cleanedJson); const possiblePublisher = extractPublisherFromJsonLd(jsonLd); if (possiblePublisher) { attempts.push(`JSON-LD publisher: "${possiblePublisher}"`); publisher = possiblePublisher; return false; // Break the each loop } } catch (e) { // Silently ignore JSON parsing errors } }); if (publisher) return publisher; } // Try other common meta tags (medium confidence) const publisherMeta = $('meta[name="publisher"]').attr('content') || $('meta[name="application-name"]').attr('content') || $('meta[property="og:site"]').attr('content'); if (publisherMeta) { attempts.push(`meta publisher: "${publisherMeta}"`); return publisherMeta; } // Try to find publication name in the site header (medium confidence) const headerSelectors = [ 'header .logo', 'header .site-title', 'header .brand', '.site-title', '.logo img', '.logo', '.brand', '#logo', '[itemprop="publisher"]' ]; for (const selector of headerSelectors) { const headerElement = $(selector).first(); if (headerElement.length) { // Check for alt text in image if ('img')) { const alt = headerElement.attr('alt'); if (alt && alt.length < 50) { attempts.push(`${selector} alt: "${alt}"`); return alt; } } // Otherwise use text content const text = headerElement.text().trim(); if (text && text.length < 50) { attempts.push(`${selector} text: "${text}"`); return text; } } } // Extract from domain as fallback (low confidence) try { const domain = new URL(url).hostname.replace(/^www\./, ''); attempts.push(`domain: "${domain}"`); // Extract the name part of the domain const parts = domain.split('.'); if (parts.length > 0) { const name = parts[0] .replace(/-/g, ' ') .split(' ') .map(word => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)) .join(' '); attempts.push(`formatted domain: "${name}"`); return name; } return domain; } catch (e) { return 'Unknown Publication'; } } // Helper function to extract publisher from JSON-LD function extractPublisherFromJsonLd(jsonLd) { // Handle array of JSON-LD objects if (Array.isArray(jsonLd)) { for (const item of jsonLd) { const publisher = extractPublisherFromJsonLd(item); if (publisher) return publisher; } return ''; } // Check for publisher in different formats if (jsonLd?.publisher?.name) { return; } if (typeof jsonLd?.publisher === 'string') { return jsonLd.publisher; } if (jsonLd?.provider?.name) { return; } if (jsonLd?.sourceOrganization?.name) { return; } return ''; } // Helper function to extract content function extractContent($) { // Try to get the article content const contentSelectors = [ 'article', '.article-content', '.post-content', '.entry-content', '.article-body', '.story-body', '.story-content', '.content-body', '.post-body', '#article-body', '.article__body', '.c-entry-content' ]; let content = ''; // First try meta description for a summary const metaDescription = $('meta[name="description"]').attr('content') || $('meta[property="og:description"]').attr('content'); if (metaDescription) { content = metaDescription; } // Then try to extract the main article content if (!content || content.length < 100) { for (const selector of contentSelectors) { const contentElement = $(selector).first(); if (contentElement.length) { // Get text from paragraphs const paragraphs = contentElement.find('p'); if (paragraphs.length) { content = ''; paragraphs.each((i, el) => { if (i < 10) { // Limit to first 10 paragraphs const paragraphText = $(el).text().trim(); if (paragraphText) { content += paragraphText + ' '; } } }); break; } else { // If no paragraphs, just get the text content = contentElement.text().trim(); break; } } } } return content; } // Helper function to extract author from JSON-LD function extractAuthorFromJsonLd(jsonLd) { // Handle array of JSON-LD objects if (Array.isArray(jsonLd)) { for (const item of jsonLd) { const author = extractAuthorFromJsonLd(item); if (author) return author; } return ''; } // Check for author in different formats if (typeof jsonLd?.author === 'string') { return; } if (jsonLd?.author?.name) { return; } // Handle array of authors if (Array.isArray(jsonLd?.author) && > 0) { if (typeof[0] === 'string') { return[0]; } if ([0]?.name) { return[0].name; } } // Check for creator if (typeof jsonLd?.creator === 'string') { return jsonLd.creator; } if (jsonLd?.creator?.name) { return; } return ''; } // Start the server without console.log statements that break the protocol const start = async () => { try { // Test Notion API connection try { await{}); } catch (error) { process.stderr.write("Failed to connect to Notion API. Check your API key.\n"); process.exit(1); } const transport = new StdioServerTransport(); await server.connect(transport); } catch (error) { process.stderr.write(`Server error: ${error}\n`); process.exit(1); } }; start();