MetaMCP MCP Server


MetaMCP MCP Server The One MCP to manage all your MCPs

MetaMCP MCP Server is a proxy server that joins multiple MCP⁠ servers into one. It fetches tool/prompt/resource configurations from MetaMCP App⁠ and routes tool/prompt/resource requests to the correct underlying server.


Installing via Smithery

The installation from Smithery doesn't work on cloud yet. Please install manually for now.

Manual Installation

export METAMCP_API_KEY=<env> npx -y @metamcp/mcp-server-metamcp
{ "mcpServers": { "MetaMCP": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "@metamcp/mcp-server-metamcp"], "env": { "METAMCP_API_KEY": "<your api key>" } } } }


  • Compatible with ANY MCP Client
  • Multi-Workspaces layer enables you to switch to another set of MCP configs within one-click.
  • GUI dynamic updates of MCP configs.
  • Namespace isolation for joined MCPs.

Environment Variables

Architecture Overview


security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A proxy server that unifies multiple MCP servers, enabling seamless tool, prompt, and resource management via the MetaMCP App.

  1. Installation
    1. Installing via Smithery
      1. Manual Installation
      2. Highlights
        1. Environment Variables
          1. Architecture Overview
            1. Credits