

Performs a web search using the Tavily Search API, optimized for LLMs. Use this for broad information gathering, recent events, or when you need diverse web sources. Supports search depth, topic selection, time range filtering, and domain inclusion/exclusion.

Input Schema

daysNoThe number of days back from the current date to include in the search results (for news topic).
exclude_domainsNoA list of domains to specifically exclude from the search results.
include_answerNoInclude a short answer to original query, generated by an LLM based on Tavily's search results.
include_domainsNoA list of domains to specifically include in the search results.
include_image_descriptionsNoWhen include_images is set to True, this option adds descriptive text for each image.
include_imagesNoInclude a list of query-related images in the response.
include_raw_contentNoInclude the cleaned and parsed HTML content of each search result.
max_resultsNoThe maximum number of search results to return.
queryYesThe search query.
search_depthNoThe depth of the search. It can be "basic" or "advanced".basic
time_rangeNoThe time range back from the current date to include in the search results. Accepted values include "day","week","month","year" or "d","w","m","y".
topicNoThe category of the search. Currently: only "general" and "news" are supported.general

Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "properties": { "days": { "default": 3, "description": "The number of days back from the current date to include in the search results (for news topic).", "type": "number" }, "exclude_domains": { "default": [], "description": "A list of domains to specifically exclude from the search results.", "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "include_answer": { "default": false, "description": "Include a short answer to original query, generated by an LLM based on Tavily's search results.", "type": "boolean" }, "include_domains": { "default": [], "description": "A list of domains to specifically include in the search results.", "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "include_image_descriptions": { "default": false, "description": "When include_images is set to True, this option adds descriptive text for each image.", "type": "boolean" }, "include_images": { "default": false, "description": "Include a list of query-related images in the response.", "type": "boolean" }, "include_raw_content": { "default": false, "description": "Include the cleaned and parsed HTML content of each search result.", "type": "boolean" }, "max_results": { "default": 5, "description": "The maximum number of search results to return.", "type": "number" }, "query": { "description": "The search query.", "type": "string" }, "search_depth": { "default": "basic", "description": "The depth of the search. It can be \"basic\" or \"advanced\".", "enum": [ "basic", "advanced" ], "type": "string" }, "time_range": { "description": "The time range back from the current date to include in the search results. Accepted values include \"day\",\"week\",\"month\",\"year\" or \"d\",\"w\",\"m\",\"y\".", "enum": [ "day", "week", "month", "year", "d", "w", "m", "y" ], "type": "string" }, "topic": { "default": "general", "description": "The category of the search. Currently: only \"general\" and \"news\" are supported.", "enum": [ "general", "news" ], "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "query" ], "type": "object" }

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